
A react wrapper for glider.js

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Storybook CircleCI Auto Release

A React wrapper for Glider.js.

Demo | Storybook

Quick Start


npm -i -s react-glider


import * as React from 'react';

import Glider from 'react-glider';
import 'glider-js/glider.min.css';


To use the CSS for Glider.js in your app either include the CSS file in your head:


or import it into your project from the npm module.

import 'glider-js/glider.min.css';

Demo Defaults

This package also exposes the CSS used to render the demo which may also be imported as follows:

import Glider from 'react-glider/glider.defaults.css';


Option Description
hasArrows Show/hide arrows. (default = false)
hasDots Show/hide dots. (default = false)
iconLeft ReactNode for the left arrow. (default = 'ยซ')
iconRight ReactNode for the right arrow. (default = 'ยป')
scrollToSlide Starting slide (default = 0)
scrollToPage Starting page (default = 0)
slidesToShow The number of slides to show in container. If this value is set to auto, it will be automatically calculated based upon the number of items able to fit within the container viewport. This requires setting the itemWidth option.
slidesToScroll The number of slides to scroll when arrow navigation is used. If this value is set to auto, it will match the value of slidesToScroll.
itemWidth This value is ignored unless slidesToShow is set to auto, in which it is then required.
exactWidth This prevents resizing items to fit when slidesToShow is set to auto.
resizeLock If true, Glider.js will lock to the nearest slide on resizing of the window
rewind If true, Glider.js will scroll to the beginning/end when its respective endpoint is reached
duration An aggravator used to control animation speed. Higher is slower. (default = 0.5)
dots A string containing the dot container selector
arrows An object containing the prev/next arrows selectors
draggable If true, the list can be scrolled by click and dragging with the mouse. (default = false)
dragVelocity How much to aggravate the velocity of the mouse dragging. (default = 3.3)
scrollPropagate Whether or not to release the scroll events from the container. (default = true)
propagateEvent Whether or not Glider.js events should bubble (useful for binding events to all carousels). (default = false)
scrollLock If true, Glider.js will scroll to the nearest slide after any scroll interactions. (default = false)
skipTrack Whether or not Glider.js should skip wrapping its children with a 'glider-track'
. NOTE: If true, Glider.js will assume that the 'glider-track' element has been added manually. All slides must be children of the track element. (default = false)
scrollLockDelay How long (ms) to wait after scroll event before locking, if too low, it might interrupt normal scrolling. (default = 250)
responsive An object containing custom settings per provided breakpoint. Glider.js breakpoints are mobile-first be conscious of your ordering.
containerElement Replace container HTML element.
easing Use any custom easing function, compatible with most easing plugins.


If the Glider component should display arrows, you are are able to configure these using the arrows prop.


The arrows prop supports an object containing left and right CSS selectors.

  prev: '#buttonPrev',
  next: '#buttonNext',

Note that if you have multiple Glider elements on the same page, you need to assign a different CSS selector to each Glider.


The arrows prop supports an object containing left and right references to an HTML element.

When using native HTML elements:

  prev: document.getElementById("prev"),
  next: document.getElementById("next")

When using React.useRef:

  prev: leftArrowEl.current,
  next: rightArrowEl.current,

Note that React.useRef will assign a value to current after the component has rendered. This means that on the first render, current is null.


Event Description
onLoad Called after Glider.js is first initialized
onAnimated Called whenever a Glider.js paging animation is complete
onRemove Called whenever a Glider.js animation is complete
onSlideVisible Called whenever a slide a shown. Passed an object containing the slide index
onRefresh Called whenever Glider.js refreshes it's elements or settings
onAdd Called whenever an item is added to Glider.js
onDestroy Called whenever a Glider.js is destroyed
onSlideHidden Called whenever a slide a hidden. Passed an object containing the slide index

Glider Methods

To get access to the current glider instance this react component exposes a ref.

import React from 'react';
import Glider, { GliderMethods } from 'react-glider';

const PaneExample: React.FC<PaneProps> = ({ children, style, className }) => (
  <div className={`glider-slide ${className}`} style={style}>

const example = () => {
  const gliderRef = React.useRef<GliderMethods>(null);

  return (
      <button onClick={() => gliderRef.current?.destroy()}>Destroy!</button>

      <Glider ref={gliderRef}>

Perspective View

The CSS for the perspective view is not included in Glider.js or this package. You can find it in .storybook/preview-head.html in the style tag. Please do not file bugs for it as I do not want to support it.


yarn storybook

Contributors โœจ

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Andrew Lisowski

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Adam Misiorny



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Kevin Farrugia

๐Ÿ’ป ๐Ÿ“–



Moe Shaaban

๐Ÿ“– ๐Ÿ’ป

Cameron Braid


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

License and Copyright

This software is released under the terms of the MIT license.