=== View Shortcodes === Contributors: Kimiya Kitani Tags: mime Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 6.5.2 Requires PHP: 5.6 Stable tag: 2.4 License: GPL v2 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html The plugin is for displaying active shortcodes. == Description == The plugin is for displaying active shortcodes in the admin main menu. You can select and copy the active shortcodes. == Installation == The operation is the simple. Please install this plugin and activate it. Source: https://github.com/kimipooh/view-shortcodes == Frequently Asked Questions == = How to change the column number = Please change $line_max value in function view_shortcodes_admin_settings_page by directly editing plugin file. Default is the 4 column in one line. == Screenshots == 1. View Active Shortcodes == Changelog == = 2.4 = * Fixed an argument warning of load_plugin_textdomain fucntion. * Tested up to WordPress 5.6.2 and PHP 8.0.0. * Tested up to WordPress 5.8 * Tested up to WordPress 6.0. * Tested up to WordPress 6.5.2 with PHP 8.3.6. = 2.3 = * Tested up to WordPress 5.2.2 and PHP 7.3. * Tested up to WordPress 5.6 and PHP 7.4. = 2.2 = * Tested up to WordPress 5.0 and PHP 7.2. = 2.1 = * Tested up to WordPress 4.9. = 2.0 = * Tested up to WordPress 4.8 and PHP 7.1 * Fixed the issue of PHP 7.1. = 1.9 = * Tested up to WordPress 4.7 = 1.8 = * Tested up to WordPress 4.6 = 1.7 = * Migrated the translation function to GlotPress. = 1.6 = * Tested up to WordPress 4.5 * Preparing to migrate the translation function to GlotPress. = 1.5 = * Tested up to WordPress 4.3 = 1.4 = * Tested up to WordPress 4.1.1 = 1.3 = * Tested up to WordPress 4.0 = 1.2 = * Tested up to WordPress 3.9.1 = 1.1 = * Tested up to WordPress 3.9 = 1.0 = * First Released. * Multi Language Support (English and Japanese). == Upgrade Notice ==