
Official documentation of LibrePCB

Primary LanguageCSSCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

LibrePCB Documentation

This repository contains the source for the LibrePCB documentation hosted at docs.librepcb.org.


The documentation is written in Asciidoc and built with Antora.

Unfortunately the build setup is not trivial since it is integrated into librepcb-website.

Therefore we created a Docker image containing the whole toolchain. On Linux, just make sure Docker is installed. Then building the documentation is as simple as calling this script:


Unfortunately on other operating systems it is much more complicated. However, having the toolchain available locally is not mandatory. A decent text editor (ideally with AsciiDoc syntax highligting and live preview) should be enough to write some documentation.

Virtual Machine For Screenshots

To ensure a consistent look&feel across all screenshots, please use a virtual machine (e.g. VirtualBox) and run LibrePCB within it. Set up the VM as following:

  • Operating system: Ubuntu 22.04 (Choose "Minimal installation")
  • Locale: English (en_US)
  • Computer name: librepcb
  • Full user name: Me
  • Username: user

After the installation:

  • Set the VM screen resolution to 1024x768 to ensure no screenshot is larger than this.
  • On the bottom right of the login screen, switch from Wayland to X11 since most screenshot capture tools do not work properly on Wayland.
  • Run sudo apt install shutter to install Shutter for capturing screenshots.
  • In the Shutter settings, enable rounded corners.


Contributions are very welcome! See our Contributing Guide for details. We're looking forward for pull requests :)



This documentation is published under the CC0 1.0 Universal license.