
Code for Google Cloud Dataflow to analyze the tweets for the Oscar 2015

Primary LanguageJava

Oscar 2015 Dataflow

This repository contains the code used for analyzing the data for http://ecesena.github.io/oscars2015/#/

The code runs on Google Cloud Dataflow. You can read about Google Cloud Dataflow and apply to the beta at this address: https://cloud.google.com/dataflow/


This code has been written on the beta of Google Cloud Dataflow (February 2015). I'm not sure it will work correctly in the final release. The analysis made by this code is pretty simple and has been made mainly to experiment with this new tool and explain the potentiality it has


Set up the Google Cloud Dataflow according to Google documentation. For using Google Cloud Dataflow you need the official Java SDK 1.7 or higher and Maven to manage the compilation process.

To compile the packages: mvn clean compile bundle:bundle

To run the code on Google Cloud Dataflow:

  • Data extract and summarize: java -cp target/dataflow-1.jar com.tests.dataflow.BatchTweet --project=<projectname> --stagingLocation=<Cloud Store Staing path> --runner=BlockingDataflowPipelineRunner --saveTo=<path to save> --readFrom=<table to read from> --start=<start time> --stop=<stop time>
  • Data analyze: java -cp target/dataflow-1.jar com.tests.dataflow.BatchTweetAnalysis --project=<projectname> --stagingLocation=<Cloud Store Staing path> --runner=BlockingDataflowPipelineRunner --saveTo=<path to save> --readFrom=<table to read from> --start=<start time> --stop=<stop time> --filterEntities='#oscars,#oscars2015,#redcarpet'--retweet=false


Google Cloud Dataflow

  • --project The name of the project on Google Dataflow
  • --stagingLocation The bucket/path of the staging location on Google Cloud store
  • --runner The runner program

Both extract and analyze

  • --saveTo The file on Google Cloud Store to write to. In the format gs:///
  • --readFrom The table from which read the data. In the format :.
  • --windowSize The size of the window used to aggregate the data. In seconds for extract and in minutes for analyze
  • --start The time from which the extraction should start. In the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmZ
  • --stop The time at which the extraction should stop. In the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmZ
  • --retweet False to exclude the retweets. Default True
  • --contains Comma separated list of word to search in the tweet text to include it
  • --notContains Comma separated list of word to search in the tweet text to exclude it

Analyze only

  • --windowFreq Every how many minutes the sliding window should be applied
  • --filterEntities Comma separated list of entities to remove after the count

Data and Tools

The directory data/ contains the bulk dump aggregated in 5 seconds windows (datadump.csv) and an analysis run for the top tweets(top.csv). The directory contains two supporting python script to quickly manipulate the data.

  • convert_file.py Extract the selected entities and format it for http://ecesena.github.io/oscars2015/#/ (source at https://github.com/ecesena/oscars2015). The command format is: ./convert_file.py file entity [entity] --window N where:
    • file is the input file name
    • entity is a list of entity to extract
    • --window N is the number of period to aggregate to get a sliding window. Default is 1 so no aggregation
  • convert_file2.py reformat the output of analyze to make it easier to visualize in a worksheet. It accepts only one argument, the file name. The input format is type,timestamp,ent1,count1,ent2,count2,...countn,entn. The ouput format is timestamp,count1,count2,count3... with an header containing all the entities extracted.