Android-Architecture Guide Line
0. Project Setup
1) Keystore
file in your root project.
storePassword=<store password>
keyPassword=<key password>
keyAlias=<key alias>
storeFile=<key file path>
2) RxJava2
1. Naming Guideline
1) Resources
Follow this rule : <What>_<Where>_<Description>_<Size/Color/State>
: The id of the view containing the resource. If it is used for multiple views, thenWhere
should beall
(1) Layout
ex) UserActivity - user.xml UserProfileFragment - user_profile.xml UserInfoFragment - user_info.xml UserProfileImageView - user_profile_image.xml UserInfoDetailFragment - user_info_detail.xml
(2) Strings
ex) 'confirm' - all_confirm 'Sign In' - signin_title 'Please enter email' - signin_emailhint
(3) Drawables
ex) all_ic_logo_red.png all_ic_logo_white.png all_ic_logo_small_white.png signin_btn_confirm.xml profile_btn_confirm_pressed.xml
Prefix | Usage |
ic | Icon |
btn | Button |
(4) IDs
Widget/View(Group) | Prefix |
LinearLayout | ll |
RelativeLayout | rl |
FrameLayout | fl |
ScrollView | sv |
RecyclerView | rv |
TextView | tv |
EditText | et |
Button | btn |
ImageView | iv |
ImageButton | ibtn |
ViewGroup | vg |
View | v |
(5) Dimensions
Prefix | Usage |
width | width in dp |
height | height in dp |
size | if width == height |
margin | margin in dp |
padding | padding in dp |
font | font size in sp |
(6) Colors
Prefix | Explanation |
Transparency | transparent |
Brightness | (ultra)light, original, (ultra)dark (3 types) |
Hue | red, orange, yellow, green, blue, navy, purple, black, white |
ex) all_transparent_light_red
2) Java Classes
(1) Class member ordering
- Constants
- Fields
- Constructors
- Override methods (android lifecycle callbacks should be sequentially and consecutively)
- Public methods
- Private methods
- Inner classes
(2) Constants
Usage | Prefix |
SharedPreferences | PREF_ |
Bundle | BUNDLE_ |
Fragment Arguments | ARGUMENT_ |
Intent Extra | EXTRA_ |
Intent Action | ACTION_ |