Kim's Starter Site


  • npm install
  • npm install gulp
  • npm install bower
  • bower install --save
  • npm install --save

Local Host

  • Set up Laravel Homestead
  • Download Virtualbox
  • In Homestead.yaml under 'sites:' map a test url to your-site/public within the vagrant virtualbox ex: sites: - map: your-site.test to: /home/vagrant/code/your-site/public
  • If needed under 'databases:' in Homestead.yaml add a database with an appropriate name
  • In terminal: sudo nano /etc/hosts (on a mac)
  • Add your-site.test to the IP set in your homstead.yaml file
  • In terminal, cd into your Homestead folder
  • Run vagrant up
  • Run vagrant provision


Gulp serve - compile sass / browser sync

Gulp build - build project into dist folder (run before you push to the repo)

Gulp wiredep - looks at dependencies and updates npm install --savehtml file

Flexbox Help