
Springboard Capstone Project 2

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This is a project about making movie recommendations. I created 3 models which accept a movie from a user and return the n most similar movies to the user. My 1st model uses tf-idf and cosine similarity; my 2nd uses Jaccard Similarity; my 3rd uses word counts and cosine similarity.

I created my own dataset using IMDb's public datasets and the IMDbPY API.

For a nice, concise overview of the project in fewer than 1000 lines of code, please see: https://github.com/gblinick/Movie-Recommender-with-NLP/blob/master/Keyword%20Movie%20Recommender.ipynb

For a presentation overview of my project, please see my PowerPoint presentation: https://github.com/gblinick/Movie-Recommender-with-NLP/blob/master/Movie%20Recommendation%20with%20Natural%20Language%20Processing.pdf

For a report overview, please see my final report: https://github.com/gblinick/Movie-Recommender-with-NLP/blob/master/Capstone%202%20Final%20Report.pdf

To see the code for the models themselves, please see: https://github.com/gblinick/Movie-Recommender-Clusterer/blob/master/ML%20-%20Recommending.ipynb