
Bully WPS Attack Tool

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Bully is a new implementation of the WPS brute force attack, written in C. It is conceptually identical to other programs, in that it exploits the (now well known) design flaw in the WPS specification. It has several advantages over the original reaver code. These include fewer dependencies, improved memory and cpu performance, correct handling of endianness, and a more robust set of options. It runs on Linux, and was specifically developed to run on embedded Linux systems (OpenWrt, etc) regardless of architecture.

Bully provides several improvements in the detection and handling of anomalous scenarios. It has been tested against access points from numerous vendors, and with differing configurations, with much success.


Bully requires 'libpcap-dev'. It uses WPS functionality written by Jouni Malinen; that source code is included in this repro for simplicity, as are libcrypto and several other sources that provide needed functionality.

Because Bully stores randomized pins and session data in normal files, there is no need for any database functionality.


Bully can be built and installed by running:

~/bully$ cd src
~/bully/src$ make
~/bully/src$ make install


A Makefile tested in Kamikaze r18801 (2.6.26) is provided in the repository root directory. Porting to Backfire or another OpenWrt variant should be fairly straightforward.

Assuming you have ~/kamikaze as your openwrt directory and ~/bully for bully, the following steps should get you up and running:

cd ~/kamikaze
mkdir package/bully
cp -rf ~/bully/* ~/kamikaze/package/bully
make menuconfig

Navigate to Network-->wireless and select bully (module or built-in), exit and save. If you elected to build as a package, type

make package/bully/{clean,compile} V=99
scp bin/packages/<arch>/bully_1.1-1_<arch>.ipk root@<router-ip>/tmp
ssh root@<router-ip>

enter router password,

opkg install /tmp/bully*ipk

If you chose to build bully into your firmware, make and install it as you normally would.


Ensure that you are root, and are using wireless hardware that is capable of injection with a monitor mode interface.

usage: bully \ interface
Required arguments:
  interface      : Wireless interface in monitor mode (root required)
  -b, --bssid macaddr    : MAC address of the target access point
  -e, --essid string     : Extended SSID for the access point
Optional arguments:
  -c, --channel N[,N...] : Channel number of AP, or list to hop [b/g]
  -i, --index N          : Starting pin index (7 or 8 digits)  [Auto]
  -l, --lockwait N       : Seconds to wait if the AP locks WPS   [43]
  -o, --outfile file     : Output file for messages          [stdout]
  -p, --pin N            : Starting pin number (7 or 8 digits) [Auto]
  -s, --source macaddr   : Source (hardware) MAC address      [Probe]
  -u, --lua              : Lua script file
  -v, --verbosity N      : Verbosity level 1-3, 1 is quietest     [3]
  -w, --workdir path     : Location of pin/session files  [~/.bully/]
  -5, --5ghz             : Hop on 5GHz a/n default channel list  [No]
  -B, --bruteforce       : Bruteforce the WPS pin checksum digit [No]
  -F, --force            : Force continue in spite of warnings   [No]
  -S, --sequential       : Sequential pins (do not randomize)    [No]
  -T, --test             : Test mode (do not inject any packets) [No]
Advanced arguments:
  -d, --pixiewps         : Attempt to use pixiewps               [No]
  -g, --genpin N         : Pin Generator [1] D-Link [2] Belkin    [0]
  -a, --acktime N        : Deprecated/ignored                  [Auto]
  -r, --retries N        : Resend packets N times when not acked  [2]
  -m, --m13time N        : Deprecated/ignored                  [Auto]
  -t, --timeout N        : Deprecated/ignored                  [Auto]
  -1, --pin1delay M[,N]  : Delay M seconds every Nth nack at M5 [0,1]
  -2, --pin2delay M[,N]  : Delay M seconds every Nth nack at M7 [5,1]
  -A, --noacks           : Disable ACK check for sent packets    [No]
  -C, --nocheck          : Skip CRC/FCS validation (performance) [No]
  -D, --detectlock       : Detect WPS lockouts unreported by AP  [No]
  -E, --eapfail          : EAP Failure terminate every exchange  [No]
  -L, --lockignore       : Ignore WPS locks reported by the AP   [No]
  -M, --m57nack          : M5/M7 timeouts treated as WSC_NACK's  [No]
  -N, --nofcs            : Packets don't contain the FCS field [Auto]
  -P, --probe            : Use probe request for nonbeaconing AP [No]
  -Q, --wpsinfo          : Use probe request to gather WPS info  [No]
  -R, --radiotap         : Assume radiotap headers are present [Auto]
  -W, --windows7         : Masquerade as a Windows 7 registrar   [No]
  -Z, --suppress         : Suppress packet throttling algorithm  [No]
  -V, --version          : Print version info and exit
  -h, --help             : Display this help information


  -c, --channel N[,N...]

	Channel number, or comma separated list of channels to hop on. Some AP's will switch
	channels periodically. This option allows bully to reacquire an AP and continue an attack
	without intervention. Note that using channel hopping will typically slow an attack,
	especially when the AP's signal is weak, because time is spent scanning channels instead
	of testing pins. If no channel is provided, bully will hop on all channels.

  -i, --index N

	This is the index of the starting pin number in the randomized pin file. This option is
	not valid when running bully in sequential pin search mode.  This is typically handled
	for you automatically, i.e. an interrupted session will resume after the last pin that
	was successfully tested. Note that when less than 7 digits (8 digits if -B is active) are
	given, zeroes are padded on the left.

  -l, --lockwait N

	Number of seconds to wait when an AP locks WPS. Most AP's will lock out for 5 minutes, so
	the default value is 43 seconds. This will cause bully to sleep 7 times during a lockout
	period for a total of 301 seconds.

  -o, --output file

	By default, messages are printed to the standard output. Use this option to send output 
	to the specified file instead.

  -p, --pin N

	This is the starting pin number. Use of this option results in a sequential pin search
	starting at the given pin. This is typically handled for you automatically, i.e. an
	interrupted session will resume after the last pin that was successfully tested. Note
	that when less than 7 digits (8 digits if -B is active) are given, zeroes are padded on
	the left.

  -s, --source macaddr

	The source MAC address to embed in packets sent to the AP. Not all wireless cards can be
	used to spoof the source MAC address like this, but the option is provided for chipsets
	that allow it. When not provided, the wireless interface is probed to retrieve the MAC.

  -v, --verbosity N

	Verbosity level. 1 is the quietest, displaying only unrecoverable error information. Level
	3 displays the most information, and is best used to determine exactly what is happening
	during a session.

  -w, --workdir path

	Working directory, where randomized pins and session files are stored. Session files are
	created in this directory based on the BSSID of the access point. Only one set of randomized
	pins is created, and is used for all sessions. If you want to regenerate the pin file, simply
	delete it from this directory; however incomplete runs that used the deleted file will not
	be restartable. The default directory is ~/.bully/

  -5, --5ghz

	Use 5 GHz (a/n) channels instead of 2.54 GHz (b/g) channels. Untested.

  -B, --bruteforce

	Bruteforce the WPS pin checksum digit rather than calculating it according to the WPS
	specification. Some AP's use a non-compliant checksum in an attempt to evade attacks from
	compliant software. Use of this option can result in a ten-fold increase in the time it
	takes to discover the second portion of the pin, and should only be used when necessary.

  -F, --force

	In certain scenarios bully will print a warning message and exit. This typically indicates that
	it is being used in a manner that is questionable for most users. Advanced users and developers
	can force continuance with this option.

  -S, --sequential

	By default, pins are randomized. This options allows pins to be tested sequentially.

  -T, --test

	Test mode. No packets are injected. Can be used to validate arguments, determine if an
	access point is visible and has WPS enabled, generate a randomized pin file, or create a
	session file for the access point.

  -d, --pixiewps
            The -d option performs an offline attack, Pixie Dust (pixiewps),
	by automatically passing the PKE, PKR, E-Hash1, E-Hash2, E-Nonce and Authkey.
	pixiewps will then try to attack Ralink, Broadcom and Realtek chipsets.

  -g, --genpin N
            This is a pin generator for either [1] D-Link or [2] Belkin
	routers which uses a known vulnerability names "pingen attack".

  -a, --acktime N

	Deprecated. Packet timings are throttled automatically. Will be removed in future revision.

  -r, --retries N

	How many times do we resend packets when they aren't acknowledged? Default is 3. The idea is to
	make a best effort to ensure the AP receives every packet we send, rather than have transactions
	fail and restart due to a missed packet.

  -m, --m13time N

	Deprecated. Packet timings are throttled automatically. Will be removed in future revision.

  -t, --timeout N

	Deprecated. Packet timings are throttled automatically. Will be removed in future revision.

  -1, --pin1delay M[,N]

	Delay M seconds for every Nth NACK at M5. The default is 0,1 (no delay). Some access points
	get overwhelmed by too many successive WPS transactions, and can even crash if we don't dial
	things back a bit. This is the delay period to use during the first half of the pin.

  -2, --pin2delay M[,N]

	Delay M seconds for every Nth NACK at M7. The default is 0,1 (no delay). Some access points
	handle transactions through M4 easily, only to fall down on too many successive M6 messages.
	This is the delay period to use during the second half of the pin.
  -A, --noacks

	Turn off acknowledgement processing for all sent packets. Useful if you are sure the AP is
	receiving packets even though bully can't see acknowledgements. You might need this for a USB
	wifi adapter that processes acknowledgements and drops them before libpcap ever sees them.

  -C, --nocheck

	Turn off frame check sequence processing. We can improve performance somewhat by making the
	dubious assumption that all packets we receive are valid. See also --nofcs below.

  -D, --detectlock

	Certain access points do not indicate that they have locked WPS in their beacon IE tags, but
	summarily ignore all WPS transactions for a period of time. With this option, we can detect the
	condition and sleep for --lockdelay seconds before resuming. In the interests of remaining
	undetected, there is no point in broadcasting 5 minutes worth of unanswered EAP START messages.

  -E, --eapfail

	Send EAP FAIL messages after each transaction. Some AP's get confused when they don't see this.

  -L, --lockignore

	Ignore WPS lock conditions reported in beacon information elements (don't sleep).

  -M, --m57nack

	Treat M5 and M7 timeouts as NACK's, for those access points that don't send them but instead
	drop the transaction. When using this option you will probably want to increase the --timeout 
	value, so that bully doesn't incorrectly assume a pin is incorrect due to a delayed message.

  -N, --nofcs

	Some wireless hardware will have done the work of checking and stripping the FCS from packets
	already. Bully usually detects this and adjusts accordingly, but the option is here if you need
	to force it.

  -P, --probe

	Bully uses beacons to examine the WPS state of an access point. For nonbeaconing AP's, send
	directed probe requests and use the resulting probe responses instead. Requires --essid.

  -Q, --wpsinfo

	Gather WPS info by using probe request(s) against a target.
	May reveal chipset manufacturer, WPS version and other geeky stats.

  -R, --radiotap

	Assume radiotap headers are present in received packets. This is useful in cases where presence
	of radiotap headers is incorrectly reported or detected.

  -Z, --suppress

	Suppress automatic timimg algorithm and instead use default timings for received packets. NOT

  -W, --windows7

	Masquerade as a Windows 7 registrar.

  -V, --version

	Print version information to standard output and exit.

  -h, --help

	Display onscreen help.