Raspberry Pi camera web app *in progress!* Idea is: you take a photo with the Raspberry Pi, it makes a shutter sound (with some little built in speakers) and saves the image into a gallery you can view on an ipad or connected computer. Makes use of the Holga Raspberry Pi case I've put together here: http://kimondo.co.uk/raspberry-pi-camera-case-from-a-holga/ Will be adding a python script to control the shutter and make a sound / light up an LED when taking your picture Uses: Simple camera control interface - haven't thought that far yet, but here are a few: a photo me booth with a big friendly button a sound activated camera Requires: A Raspberry Pi A wifi adapter A Raspberry Pi camera board A groovy case to stick them in A few LEDs, switches, connectors (optional) Setting up the Pi to act as a webserver, with a static IP Makes use of: This php code for generating image thumbnails: http://webcheatsheet.com/php/create_thumbnail_images.php This lovely Jquery fullscreen gallery: http://manos.malihu.gr/sideways-jquery-fullscreen-image-gallery You are free to use, study, improve and modify this script wherever and however you like. Creative Commons License All works are licensed under GNU General Public License, GNU Lesser General Public License or Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.