
Auric is a decentralized application (dApp) with an ERC20 token representing supposed ownership in gold bars.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


💵 a gold investment dApp 💵

Auric is a decentralized application (dApp). Its main currency is an ERC20 token named Auric, which (supposedly) represents ownership of an actual quantity in gold bars.

The process of purchasing and redeeming Auric tokens is handled by the AuricSeller smart contract.

🔧 Functions

🪙 Purchase Auric tokens

By connecting your Ethereum wallet app, you can purchase Auric for ETH. The notion is that by purchasing Auric, you invest in gold, without the need to actually have it in your possession or even stored in a remote vault.

💴 Claim Gold Bars

If you want the (supposed) actual gold bars delivered to you, you can "claim" them. It is a 3-step process:

  • Step 1 is where you authorise the AuricSeller smart contract to handle your Auric tokens on your behalf.

  • Step 2 is where you return the tokens to the issuer.

  • Step 3 is where you receive a QR code representing the transaction. The QR code (along with proof of your crypto account ownership, e.g. a signed message) can be used to claim the gold bars (the verification act is outside the scope of this dApp).

The AuricSeller smart contract also includes a function for the owner to claim the ETH that was used to purchase gold (the owner's claim ETH function is not featured on this dApp). By claiming, 5% of profits is automatically donated to a predefined address (e.g. a charity).

🤖 A live version of the dApp has been deployed here.


🗃️ What's Included?

This repository contains a Hardhat project and a Next.js dApp:

➡️ The Hardhat project includes two Solidity smart contracts (located inside the /contracts folder):

        - Auric, the ERC20 token that represents gold bars

        - AuricSeller, the contract that handles the exchange and redemption of Auric tokens

➡️ The Next.js frontend/dApp (located inside the /auric-dapp folder) is the way to interact with the smart contracts, which have been deployed to the Sepolia test network.

        Click here for the Auric contract.

        Click here for the Auricseller contract.

🚀 Quick start

  1. First, you need to clone this repository and install its dependencies:

    git clone https://github.com/kimonkekes/Auric.git
    cd auric-dapp
    npm install
  2. Once installed, you can run the frontend with:

    npm run dev
  3. Finally, open http://localhost:3000 with your browser. In order to connect to and interact with the dApp, you will need to have a crypto wallet installed with some SepoliaETH available for your transactions.