
Toot on mastodon using telegram bot

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This script creates a telegram bot that can send toot to a given mastodon instance via access token.

Get token for you bot

Get the token for your telegram bot from @BotFather.

Install packages

pip install python-telegram-bot --upgrade
pip3 install Mastodon.py

Run the script

python3 tg-mastodon.py $telegram_TOKEN

Run in admin mode to limit user access

python3 tg-mastodon.py --admin $telegram_userid $telegram_TOKEN

On server, you can run the script from a process management tool like pm2

pm2 start 'python3 tg-mastodon.py $telegram_TOKEN'

Use the telegram bot

  1. Set mastodon's instance and access token

Go to Preference/Development/New Applications to create a new application and get access token. Needed access scope is: read:accounts write:media write:statuses

/set_instance url
/set_accesstoken accesstoken
  1. Toot

Toot directly from your telegram bot!

Set private or unlisted visibility (default is public) by the command:

/set_visibility visibility 


  1. Clone the project.
  2. In python 3 environment. Install python-telegram-bot and Mastodon.py package


  • Admin mode
  • Test
  • Send toot in different status
  • Send toots in other formats (video etc.)
  • Multiple instances
  • Stream

try (to deploy)

  • Heroku
  • VPS
  • Online python IDE