
Program that was created to help you fit the meetings within your time constraints.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Meeting Rooms


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. Run bundle exec meeting_rooms to use the gem in this directory.


The input contains one meeting per line; the meeting title can contain any characters and is followed by a space and the meeting duration, which is always given in minutes.

By default this application expects input from the STDIN, but there are some test files in tests directory. So, if you want to run an application against test file you can use pipeline:

cat tests/long_meetings_and_short_meetings.txt | bundle exec meeting_rooms

To run all tests and see the result just execute:

bundle exec meeting_rooms test

Project structure

The project consists of the following elements:

  • Meeting - represents a meeting, contains title and duration;
  • Parser - responsible for parsing of input files, raises ParserError in case of wrong format;
  • Room - represents a room, contains 2 Section: for morning meetings and for evening meetings;
  • Section - represents a time frame for the room, it has capacity - amount of hours that is available for scheduling;
  • Scheduler - represents an algorithm that selects room for the given meetings list;

Executable part of the application is located in exe/meeting_rooms. It's always good idea to start from here. But the main magic happens here.

Improvements area

It's totally possible to improve this code. For example, it's good idea to decouple printing logic and models. At this moment printing is implemented using #to_s in different classes. I've decided to not use any testing frameworks because I'm not sure that it is expected from coding challenge, but I definitely would add it in the real application.

In original task there is no any quality parameters for the schedule, that's why meetings are not sorted and distributed as is.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/kimrgrey/meeting_rooms. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.