
Collection of links, reference papers and sample code for understanding NLP

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Collection of links, reference papers and sample code for studying natural language processing (aka computational linguistics).

Group project

Proposal: Create a daemonized Linux process that scrapes and stores twitter and quora data in a PostgreSQL database. Perform Bayesian sentiment analysis on the two data sources.

P( TwitterSentiment | QuoraSentiment) = P(QS | TS) P(TS) / P(QS)

Web references

Project references

Slide decks

Tool references

  • Apache Airflow - pipeline scheduler based on Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs)

Book references

  • Speech and Language Processing by Dan Jurafsky and James H. Martin. Nice looking, covers n-grams, naive bayes classifiers, sentiment, logistic regression, vector semantics, neural nets, part-of-speech tagging, sequence processing with recurrent networks, grammers, syntax, statistical parsing, information extraction. hidden markov models.

Course references

Video references

Wikipedia references