ndk compile version of libx265: You can download the origin source code from https://bitbucket.org/multicoreware/x265/ . Because the license of origin source code was GNU GPL v2.0, I set the license of this repository as GPL v2.0.
- arm64-v8a (neon)
- armeabi-v7a (neon)
- armeabi
- mips
- mips64
- x86
- x86_64
Latest Android Studio doesn't support MIPS architecture anymore. Therefore, I recommend that you use other architecture except for MIPS.
- set the NDK_ROOT variable.
export NDK_ROOT=path/to/your/ndk/root/dir
- change the build.sh file.
export ANDROID_API_VERSION=26 # chose android platform version. I recommend a version higher than 21.
export NUMBER_OF_CORES=4 # set the number of cores which you want to use for compile. it depends on CPU of your host computer.
export OUTPUT_PREFIX=$(pwd)/build # set the output prefix. default directory is ./build
- running build.sh
bash ./build.sh
- use the files in the build directory. each ABI folder has 3 kind of file.
- include files - x265.h, x265_config.h (Of course, all include files are the same.)
- library files - x265.so (shared lib), x265.a (static lib)
- executable file - x265 (HEVC encoder program)
if you want to use cli HEVC encoder program, I recommend that you use static library. If you just build it using that I uploaded, it will build the executable file with shared lib. But it's inconvinient, because you shoud add the shared library to library path. if you want to build executable file and use it, you can just add simple flag -DENABLE_SHARED=0 in each build scripts. Of course, file size of executable file is bigger than before; 3.4 Mb(using shared lib) --> 6.5 Mb(using static lib).
e.g. build_script/arm64-v8a/build.sh
cmake ../../../source \
-DCMAKE_ANDROID_STL_TYPE=gnustl_static \
-DENABLE_SHARED=0 \ # add this line.
sed -i '' 's/-lpthread/-pthread/' CMakeFiles/cli.dir/link.txt
sed -i '' 's/-lpthread/-pthread/' CMakeFiles/x265-shared.dir/link.txt
sed -i '' 's/-lpthread/-pthread/' CMakeFiles/x265-static.dir/link.txt
make DESTDIR=${OUTPUT_PREFIX}/arm64-v8a install
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