
Rubygem to use Uploadcare.com service with ease.

Primary LanguageRuby

Uploadcare ruby gem


What is it?

uploadcare-rails is a Ruby gem to use Uploadcare service with careful-uploaders library in your Rails projects with ease.

What it can do?

It handles your uploads utilizing Uploadcare REST API and stores uploaded file UUIDs for future use. Also, it can validate your uploads by size, presence etc.


At this moment gem is not covered with test, so use it at your own risk. On the other hand, it's pretty simple to work just fine without any problems.


Rails 2

Since version 0.0.3, uploadcare-rails doesn't support Rails 2. See branch gem-0.0.2 for installation instructions.

Rails 3

Add gem to your Gemfile:

gem "uploadcare-rails", ">= 0.0.3"

And then run bundle install.

Using with Rails application


You must complete following steps:

  • Generate (and run) a migration to add a text field that will be used to store UUIDs of your uploaded files:
~$ rails generate migration AddFileFieldToOrders file:string
~$ bundle exec rake db:migrate
  • Add one line to your model:
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
  # somewhere around validators
  has_uploadcare_file :file
  • Put a form helper into your views:
<%- form_for(@order) do |f| %>
  <%= f.uploadcare_field :file %>
<%- end %>
  • (Re)start your application and modify config/uploadcare.yml file in accordance with your access keys and widget type.

That's all.

Configuration files

On first application run (after gem installation) a config/uploadcare.yml file will be created. Just modify it to match your Uploadcare data.

Available validators

class BlogPost < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_uploadcare_file :upload # You can use :autokeep option to define whether keep upload automatically or manually
  validates_upload_presence :upload 
  validates_upload_size :upload, :max => 50000, :min => 123 # or you can simple use :in => 123..50000

Available configuration

  • :autokeep. Defines whether uploaded file will be kept forcibly. Must be a boolean.
  • :file_column. By default, gem will be trying to use first passed parameter (e.g. :upload if you look at upper example) as table column. Pass :file_column => :your_column to override this behaviour and to set your custom column. Can be string or symbol.


Gem designed to be clear as much as possible, so it doesn't affect controllers code:

class BlogPostsController < ApplicationController
  def create
    @blog_post = BlogPost.new(params[:blog_post])
    if @blog_post.save
      # call blog_post.upload.keep if you set :autokeep to false and need to save file.
      redirect_to :action => :index
      render :action => :new


We're looking into possibility to drop third preparation step to save you from messing with views, but it will be done a bit later.


Fork a repo, make changes, create pull request. Just like everywhere else.


Don't hesitate to contact me via e-mail, specified in my GitHub profile, or write a letter to az@uploadcare.com, and I will reply you for sure.

Good luck!