Best Pratices in Monitoring a Kubernetes Cluster

Install kube-prometheus-stack

  • create a monitoring namespace
  • add prometheus-community repo helm repo add prometheus-community helm repo update prometheus-community
  • use helm to install the kube-prometheus-stack helm install kube-prometheus-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring -f values.yaml

Poke around prom, alertmanager grafana and alertmanager

Prometheus and Alertmanager Web Panel kubectl port-forward svc/kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus 9090:9090 -n monitoring

kubectl port-forward alertmanager-kube-prometheus-stack-alertmanager-0 9093 -n monitoring

Grafana Web Panel kubectl port-forward svc/kube-prometheus-stack-grafana 3000:80 -n monitoring

user: admin
pass: prom-operator

Generate Slack Webhook

  • Go to
  • Create an app
  • Turn on the 'Enable Incoming Webhooks' option
  • Generate a Webhook URL
  • Test with a POST request from cURL

Setup AlertManager and Alert Rules

Configure AlertManager

helm upgrade --reuse-values -f alertmanager-config.yaml kube-prometheus-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring

Setup an alert using a default alert from AlertManager

helm upgrade --reuse-values -f alert-rules.yaml kube-prometheus-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring
