
Run server

docker-compose build docker-compose up

available routes

  • GET /take?playerId=P1&points=300 - takes 300 points from player P1 account
  • GET /fund?playerId=P2&points=300 - funds player P2 with 300 points
  • GET /announceTournament?tournamentId=1&deposit=1000 - Announce tournament specifying the entry deposit
  • GET /joinTournament?tournamentId=1&playerId=P1&backerId=P2&backerId=P3 - Join player into a tournament and is he backed by a set of backers
  • POST /resultTournament - Result tournament winners and prizes
  • GET /balance?playerId=P1 - Player balance
  • GET /getTournamentDetails?tournamentId=1 - Get details about tournament