Written by lewismc lewismc@apache.org
This project explores the use of Apache Gora as a query broker [0] which can be used within a federated web search scenario. This work is motivated by the TREC Federated Web Search track [1].
Essentially, the code aims to implement a 'query broker' using Apache Gora [0] for object-to-datastore mapping and data persistence. Apache Gora, as an open source framework, provides an in-memory data model and persistence for big data. Gora supports persisting to column stores, key value stores, document stores and RDBMSs, and analyzing the data with extensive Apache Hadoop MapReduce support.
The task can be broken in to three parts, namely
Vertical Selection: where the participants have to predict the quality of the different verticals for a particular query (for instance sports, news, or images). A set of relevant verticals should be selected for each test topic.
Resource Selection: where for some given query we must select only th relevant data sources for which to execute the query on, and
Results Merging: given a number of hits for any given query, merge the results into a single ranked list. The algorithm which is used here is known as 'normalized discounted cumulative gain'.
- bin - a directory containing scripts for invoking various commands relating to data persistence, processing and analysis.
- conf - storage directory for datastore specific data mappings and TREC queries.
- dictionaryMap - Contains term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-idf) dictionary maps of the various search engine data sources. These dictionary maps can be used to assess relevancy judgements for appropriate data sources within the resource selection task.
- lib - directory for publically available third party libraries
- lib-ext - directory for private or SNAPSHOT development libraries
- pom.xml - the main Maven build file
- README.md - this file
- src - the source code for this project. This contains the query broker deployment itself as well as some additional tools and implementations.
Any issues or comments should be sent to lewismc@apache.org
[0] http://gora.apache.org [1] https://sites.google.com/site/trecfedweb/