
scripts for running fanpy

Primary LanguagePython

Directory structure

Each "level" correspond to the nested directory. So second level describes a directory in the directories in the first level.

Zeroth level correspond to the base directory on which all your database directories are located.

First level corresponds to some arbitrary groupings of systems. Think of it as the name of the database.

Second level corresponds to the system. Think of it as molecular geometry.

Third level corresponds to the basis set.

Fourth level corresponds to the method. Methods with different hyperparameter settings are considered different methods. For example, CCSD and CCSDT are considered to be different methods. Different objectives such as projected vs variational may need to be differentiated here.

Fifth level corresponds to a calculation for the given system at method/basis. Note that a given calculation may be repeated multiple times due to restarting the calculations or due to using different hyperparameters for the calculations. Each calculation should be stored as a separate directory.

Example: ./paldus/p4_a20_alpha2.0/sto-6g/ap1rog/energy_min_1/ zeroth level = ./ current directory is always considered the base directory first level = paldus paldus is name for the class of model systems proposed by J. Paldus second level = p4_a20_alpha2.5 p4 is describes two H2 molecules being pushed together into a square a20 means that H2 molecules have bond length of 2 Bohr alpha2.5 means that the distance between the two H2 molecules is 2 Bohr third level = sto-6g fourth level = ap1rog fifth level = energy_min_1 1 means that this is the second calculation (zero-indexed) for minimizing the energy of AP1roG/STO-6G for the system P4 with 2 Bohr bond length and 2.5 Bohr distance between the two H.

Note that the variations in fifth level can be moved into the fourth level. In this example, we could have the following structure: ./paldus/p4_a20_alpha2.0/sto-6g/ap1rog_energy_min/1/


  1. Load conda

module load conda

  1. Activate virtual environment

conda activate /home/kimt1/envs/fanpy

  1. Add commands to .bashrc if you'd like
    module load gaussian/16
    module load conda
    alias fanpy_activate='conda activate /home/kimt1/envs/fanpy'
    alias cdw='cd /blue/rmirandaquintana/yourusername/'
    export HORTONPYTHON=/home/kimt1/envs/horton/bin/python
    export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/kimt1/


  1. Make new database directory.

The directory on which you create this new database directory will be called base directory.

  1. Make directory for each geometry.

Within each directory, make an ".xyz2" file which consists of the atom and its coordinates (space separated) and different atoms separated by newline. Think of ".xyz" without the header. Though it can be specified later on, DEFAULT WILL ASSUME THAT IT IS IN ATOMIC UNITS.

For example scripts, see scripts of the form make_xxx_xyz.py.

  1. Make a directory for the basis set.

Within each directory, make/copy a ".gbs" file that you can obtain from https://www.basissetexchange.org/ (Format: Gaussian). It contains the atomic basis set information that will be used to run Gaussian calculations.

For example scripts, see scripts of the form make_basis.py.

  1. Make a directory for HF. Within each directory, make a ".com" file to run HF.

This file (and the directory) can be generated using the python module /home/kimt1/run_calc.py. Use the function write_coms. Here's an example: run_calc.write_coms('paldus/*/sto-6g/', memory='1gb', charge=0, multiplicity=1, units="AU") You put this command in a python script

If you have nonstandard basis set directory name (i.e. not included in ~kimt1/basis/), then you need to specify the name of the basis filename run_calc.write_coms('paldus/*/sto-6g/', memory='1gb', charge=0, multiplicity=1, units="AU", basisfile="basisfilename") Note that you do not include the '.gbs' in the basisfilename.

Take special care of the units.

  1. Run HF calculations.

You can use the run_calcs function in the run_calc module in /home/kimt1/. Here's an example: run_calc.run_calcs('paldus/*/sto-6g/hf/hf_sp.com')

Note that above runs Gaussian locally. To submit the job, specify the memory and time: run_calc.run_calcs('paldus/*/sto-6g/hf/hf_sp.com', time='1d', memory='3gb', outfile='results.out') You put this command in a python script

Note that run_calcs function assumes that you are in the base directory of the database.

  1. Generate fchk from the chk files.

You can use the run_calcs function in the run_calc module in /home/kimt1/. Here's an example: run_calc.run_calcs('paldus/*/sto-6g/hf/hf_sp.chk') You put this command in a python script

Note that run_calcs function assumes that you are in the base directory of the database.

  1. Generate one and two electron integrals as npy array.

You can use the run_calcs function in the run_calc module in /home/kimt1/. Here's an example: run_calc.run_calcs('paldus/*/sto-6g/hf/hf_sp.fchk') You put this command in a python script

Note that run_calcs function assumes that you are in the base directory of the database.

  1. Make directories for the wavefunction/method.

You can use the make_wfn_dirs function in the run_calc module in /home/kimt1/. Here's an example: run_calc.make_wfn_dirs('paldus/*/sto-6g/', 'ap1rog', 10) You put this command in a python script

Note that you specify the number of directories that you create. This will become relevant a bit later.

  1. Make scripts for running calculations. Specify the details of your calculation here.

You can use the write_wfn_py function in the run_calc module in /home/kimt1/. Here's an example:

    run_calc.write_wfn_py('paldus/*/sto-6g/ap1rog/', 4, 'ap1rog', 
                           optimize_orbs=True, pspace_exc=[1, 2, 3, 4], objective='one_energy', solver='cma',
                           ham_noise=1e-3, wfn_noise=1e-2,
                           load_orbs=None, load_ham=None, load_wfn=None, old_fanpy=True)
    run_calc.write_wfn_py('paldus/*/sto-6g/ap1rog/0', 4, 'ap1rog', 
                           optimize_orbs=True, pspace_exc=[1, 2, 3, 4], objective='one_energy', solver='cma',
                           ham_noise=1e-3, wfn_noise=1e-2,
                           load_orbs=None, load_ham=None, load_wfn=None, old_fanpy=True)

You put this command in a python script

Here are the arguments and keyword arguments: nelec : int Number of electrons. wfn_type : str Type of wavefunction. One of "ci_pairs", "cisd", "doci", "fci", "mps", "determinant-ratio", "ap1rog", "apr2g", "apig", "apsetg", "apg", "network", "rbm", "basecc", "standardcc", "generalizedcc", "senioritycc", "pccd", "ccsd", "ccsdt", "ccsdtq", "ap1rogsd", "ap1rogsd_spin", "apsetgd", "apsetgsd", "apg1rod", "apg1rosd", "ccsdsen0", "ccsdqsen0", "ccsdtqsen0", "ccsdtsen2qsen0". optimize_orbs : bool If True, orbitals are optimized. If False, orbitals are not optimized. By default, orbitals are not optimized. Not compatible with faster fanpy (i.e.old_fanpy=False) pspace_exc : list of int Orders of excitations that will be used to build the projection space. Default is first, second, third, and fourth order excitations of the HF ground state. Used for slower fanpy (i.e. old_fanpy=True) nproj : int Number of projection states that will be used. Default uses all possible projection states (i.e. Slater determinants.) Used for faster fanpy (i.e. old_fanpy=False) If 0, maximum possible projection space is used (all possible Slater determinants) If negative, then the projection space will have the size of -nprojtimes the number of parameters. If positive, then the projection space will have the size ofnprojobjective : str Form of the Schrodinger equation that will be solved. Useprojectedto solve the Schrodinger equation as a system of equations. Useleast_squaresto solve the Schrodinger equation as a squared sum of the system of equations. Use "one_energy" to minimize the energy projected on one sided. Use "variatioinal" to minimize the energy projected on both sided. Must be one of "system", "least_squares", "one_energy", and "variational". By default, the Schrodinger equation is solved as system of equations. "least_squares" is not supported in faster fanpy (i.e.old_fanpy=False) solver : str Solver that will be used to solve the Schrodinger equation. Keyword cmauses Covariance Matrix Adaptation - Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES). Keyworddiagresults in diagonalizing the CI matrix. Keywordminimizeuses the BFGS algorithm. Keywordleast_squaresuses the Trust Region Reflective Algorithm. Keywordrootuses the MINPACK hybrd routine. Must be one ofcma, diag, least_squares, or root. Must be compatible with the objective. ham_noise : float Scale of the noise to be applied to the Hamiltonian parameters. The noise is generated using a uniform distribution between -1 and 1. By default, no noise is added. wfn_noise : bool Scale of the noise to be applied to the wavefunction parameters. The noise is generated using a uniform distribution between -1 and 1. By default, no noise is added. solver_kwargs : str String to be added as arguments and keyword arguments when running the solver. To be added after solver(objective, Default settings are used if not provided. wfn_kwargs : str String to be added as arguments and keyword arguments when instantiating the wavefunction. To be added afterWavefunction(nelec, nspin, params=params, memory=memory, Default settings are used if not provided. load_orbs : str Numpy file of the orbital transformation matrix that will be applied to the initial Hamiltonian. If the initial Hamiltonian parameters are provided, the orbitals will be transformed afterwards. load_ham : str Numpy file of the Hamiltonian parameters that will overwrite the parameters of the initial Hamiltonian. load_wfn : str Numpy file of the wavefunction parameters that will overwrite the parameters of the initial wavefunction. load_chk : str Base name for the numpy files of the checkpoint for the optimization. At the moment, multiple checkpoint files are created for each object with active parameters. They should have the name format ofcheckpoint_{name}.npy. Then, specify checkpoint.npy` here. memory : str Memory available to run the calculation. e.g. '2gb' Default assumes no restrictions on memory usage filename : str Filename to save the generated script file. Default just prints it out to stdout. old_fanpy : bool Use old, slower (but probably more robust) fanpy. Default uses faster fanpy. Some features are not avaialble on new fanpy.

  1. Run/submit the job

You can use the run_calcs function in the run_calc module in /home/kimt1/. Here's an example: run_calc.run_calcs('paldus/*/sto-6g/ap1rog/calculate.py', time='1d', memory='3gb', outfile='results.out') This will result in running the calculation as many times as there are directories. This means that if 10 directories were created in step 8, the calculation will be run 10 times (in separate directories) or until time runs out or until it gets killed.

To run each calculation separately, use the following commands:

    run_calc.write_wfn_py('paldus/*/sto-6g/ap1rog/*/', 4, 'ap1rog', 
                           optimize_orbs=True, pspace_exc=[1, 2, 3, 4], objective='one_energy', solver='cma',
                           ham_noise=1e-3, wfn_noise=1e-2,
                           load_orbs=None, load_ham=None, load_wfn=None)
    run_calc.run_calcs('paldus/*/sto-6g/ap1rog/*/calculate.py', time='1d', memory='3gb', outfile='results.out')

You put this command in a python script

Using the same example as above, this will result in 10 jobs being submitted, each for running one calculation.

To make a special script for a given directory, replace the * with the desired directory.

Note that run_calcs function assumes that you are in the base directory of the database.

  1. Rerun calculations

If your calculation crashed (e.g. due to insufficient resources), you can restart your calculation from a checkpoint.

    run_calc.write_wfn_py('paldus/*/sto-6g/ap1rog/0/', 4, 'ap1rog', 
                           optimize_orbs=True, pspace_exc=[1, 2, 3, 4], objective='one_energy', solver='cma',
                           ham_noise=1e-3, wfn_noise=1e-2,
                           load_orbs=None, load_ham=None, load_wfn=None, load_chk='checkpoint.npy')
    run_calc.run_calcs('paldus/*/sto-6g/ap1rog/0/', time='1d', memory='3gb', outfile='results.out')

You put this command in a python script

If you are restarting your calculation from the same directory, it might be a good idea to rename checkpoint file and the output file so that they don't get overwritten. You can just run the calculation from another directory also.

  1. Modify calculations

If you need to change the generated script, you can edit the generated script to fit your needs. For example, if you want to start your calculation from a wavefunction that is related to your wavefunction of interest (e.g. using optimized AP1roG to run APIG), then you must write some sort of script to convert the parameters of one wavefunction into another.

To make the process a little bit easier, you can use the edit_file function in the edit_calculate module in /home/kimt1/. Note that there's a lot of hard coding in this one, so you'll like have to make changes yourself.

    for dirname in sorted(glob('paldus/*/sto-6g/apig'), reverse=True):
        run_calc.write_wfn_py(f'{dirname}/0', 8, 'apig',
                              optimize_orbs=True, pspace_exc=[2, 4, 6, 8], objective='one_energy', solver='minimize',
                              ham_noise=1e-2, wfn_noise=1e-3, memory=None,
                              load_orbs=None, load_ham=None, load_wfn=None, load_chk='../../ap1rog/2/checkpoint.npy')
        # run_nn
        edit_calculate.edit_file(f'{dirname}/0/calculate.py', truncate_projection=False, proj_seniority=True, energy_constraint=False, cma=False, ap1rog_chk=True)

You put this command in a python script

This module changes pretty frequently and isn't maintained that well. It'd be better for you to simply skim it and make a module yourself. (All it does is replace the appropriate parts with another).

Killing Jobs

To see details on the jobs you are running (e.g. directory in which the calculations are running), I I use the following command:

    scontrol show jobid -dd | grep UserId=e.nash -B 1 -A 25

Then I find the jobid's of the jobs that I want to kill from the given information, and then use

    scancel jobid

to kill it.

This process is a little more streamline with the script ./scripts/scan_jobs.py. Note that command in line 57 is used to kill the given job. Make sure to put a condition (i.e. if statement) when killing jobs to avoid killing all your jobs.

Example Use Case: If I find out that a job for one system and wavefunction type will take too long to finish, I should kill it. I will filter out the jobs that are associated with these calculations (from the directory structure) and kill only these jobs.

Extracting Data

First, make a directory at the "first level" calld "data".

To extract data, see the script ./example_extract.py. Copy over or make your own version of this script in the "first level"

Line 39 defines the name of the systems used and the correponding units. This corresponds to the "second level" as described above. The script as it is now will assume that the name specified in systems will be succeeded with exactly "_number" (no backslash). where number corresponds to value that identifies the system. If your naming structure is different, line 151 (and 201 and 237) must be changed.

Line 45 defines the names of the methods used and the corresponding labels. This corresponds to the "fourth level" as described above. This must match the names of the directories at this level.

Line 118 defines the names of the basis set used. This corresponds to the "third level" as described above. This must match the names of the directories at this level.

Take a look at line 127 and 128 (and 196 and 231). This is how the results files are found. So if you some other directory naming scheme, these lines need to be modified.

This script will generate a csv file for each combination of system, basis set, and method provided. This csv file then can be read into an excel (or equivalent spreadsheet program) or be plotted through matplotlib (or equivalent plotting module)

Common Issues

  • If you get an error something along the lines of "unable to generate nproj=N determinants", then that means that the number of projected states selected is greater than the number of states that can be generated by FanCI. You would need to decrease the number of projected states by specifying a smaller number in nproj = {smaller_number}. In the case you have as many states as there are parameters, you can change the projection state to the maximum number of states possible (i.e. nproj = int(scipy.special.comb(nspin // 2, nelec - nelec // 2) * scipy.special.comb(nspin // 2, nelec // 2))) or you can specify nproj=0 in write_wfn_py