
Twitter chatbot using Neural Conversation Models

Primary LanguagePython

Twitter chatbot based on Neural_Conversation_Models


Forked from https://github.com/pbhatia243/Neural_Conversation_Models, which implements seq2seq with beam serach and attention.

Added features:

  • Choice of optimizer: SGD/AdaGrad/Adam
  • Mecab as tokenizer
  • Twitter chatbot


  • Python 2.7 or Python 3.3+
  • NLTK
  • TensorFlow r0.9 (Currently doesn't work on r0.12)
  • tweepy (via pip)
  • mecab, python-mecab, mecab-ipadic-utf8 (via apt-get)


Data accepted is in the tsv format where first component is the context and second is the reply


To train a model with Ubuntu dataset:

$ python neural_conversation_model.py --train_dir ubuntu/ --en_vocab_size 60000 --size 512 --data_path ubuntu/train.tsv --dev_data ubuntu/valid.tsv  --vocab_path ubuntu/60k_vocan.en --attention

To run a twitter bot:

$ python twitter_bot.py