
A compiler for the c minus language leveraging standard compiler practices such as abstract syntax trees, context free grammars, symbol tables and semantic analysis.

Primary LanguageJava

Manav Patel
Checkpoint 1
CIS 4650 Compilers

How to Build:
    inside the root of the project directory run make
    1) make
    This will compile the Scanner and the cup spec files into a executable Main 
    to run type: make run
    2) make run

    To run the semantic analyzer add the -s flag:
    java -classpath ./java_cup/java-cup-11b-runtime.jar:. Main test/1.cm -s

    To run the syntax tree program add the -t flag:
    java -classpath ./java_cup/java-cup-11b-runtime.jar:. Main test/1.cm -t    

How to test for semantic analyzer:
    there are 7 test cases in this program.
    to run test 1: make run-sym-1
    to run test 2: make run-sym-2 
    to run test 3: make run-sym-3
    to run test 4: make run-sym-4
    to run test 5: make run-sym-5
    to run test 6: make run-sym-6
    to run test 7: make run-sym-7