
Template for the Where is VALDO challenge

For a description of how to prepare your submission see the Prepare Docker page

For an example version see:

Prepare submission

This is a template version, so all example code has been removed, you should add your code instead

  • Please do all tasks indicated by the TODO comments
  • Replace teamname/TeamName by your actual teamname
  • In the expected_output.json file fill in the filename variable for inputs and outputs, should be a list of filenames
  • Please check all files! (Note: If you're on Linux you can ignore the *.bat files, if you're on Windows you can ignore all *.sh files)
  • As a final check search for "teamname", "TODO" and "..." in all files to check if you have done all necessary tasks

Check submission & submit

  • Copy a training set case (with all necessary input images) to the folder "./test/"
  • Run (or test_save_pred.bat) to try out your docker on the example case in "./test/"
  • Once this works, export your docker with (or export.bat)
  • See our website for further information on how to send us your Docker.

TeamName Algorithm

The source code for the algorithm container for TeamName, generated with evalutils version 0.2.4.