
Epicodus Intermediate JavaScript Week 1 Lesson 24 Tic Tac Toe

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tic Tac Toe game

Epicodus Practice lesson #24 (Week 4) on 1/27/-1/28/ 2021

By Daniel Adeyemi, Jonah Johansen, Woo Jin Kim


Are you up for some Tic Tac Toe? Let's play!

This game design for 2 players (also knowon as noughts and crosses (Commonwealth English), or Xs and Os/“X’y O’sies” (Ireland)), is a paper-and-pencil game for two players, X and O, who take turns marking the spaces in a 3×3 grid. The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a diagonal, horizontal, or vertical row is the winner. It is a solved game with a forced draw assuming best play from both players. If Player 1 won - Player 2 will start next game. If it's a tie - Player who forced the tie will move second.

Whiteboarding of bussiness logic



Describe: constractor Player(mark) {score and mark}
Describe: constractor GameBoard() {this board = 2D array}
Describe: constractor Game(player1, player2) {players, higher score, game Board, turn}

Test 1:

Describe: GameBoard.prototype.newBoard()
Test: Return an empty 2D array
Expect: game.generateBoard.toEqual([[],[],[]])

Test 2:

Describe: GameBoard.prototype.value(x,y)
Test: Return a position inside an array(aka gameboard)
Expect: gameBoard.add(1,2).toEqual(this.board[1][2])

Test 3:

Describe: checkIfWin(gameBoard, mark)
Test: Will return 'win' if player has winning combination, 'no' if game still in progress(empty squares still in a grid) or 'tie' if the board is full and no one has winning combination
Expect: checkIfWin(board,X).toEqual('no')
Expect: checkIfWin(board,X).toEqual('win')
Expect: checkIfWin(board,X).toEqual('tie')

Test 4:

Describe: Player.prototype.upScore()
Test: Update score for player who just won
Expect: Player.upScore().toEqual(this.score+=1)

Test 5:

Describe: GameBoard.prototype.add(x, y, mark)
Test: Add mark of this player into the clicked square
Expect: GameBoard.add(0, 1, X).toEqual(this.board[0][1] === 'X')
Expect: GameBoard.add(1, 2, O).toEqual(this.board[1][2] === 'O')

Setup instructions:

From the web:

  • Go to my GitHub repository, using following URL.
  • Click the "Code" and click the 'Download zip' option. img
  • Unzip the file, navigate to the root directory.
  • open 'index.html' file with your web browser.

From the terminal:

  • Clone my repository from GitHub using git clone https://github.com/DanielAdeyemi/Epicodus_1_27_Tic_Tac_Toe.git
  • Navigate to the downloaded folder using cd command
  • Execute code . command in your terminal and it will open all source code in your code editor.
    Note: please, make sure that you are inside project directory!

GitHub pages:

Click this link to open GitHub page

Tecnologies used:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Java Script
  • JQuery
  • Bootstrap v5.0.0 beta
  • Git and GitHub

Known bugs:

This project is not storing user's data and set all score back to 0 if page was refreshed.

License and copyright:

© Daniel Adeyemi, Jonah Johansen, Woo Jin Kim, 2021
Licensed under MIT license