- C#
- .NET 5.0.102
- ASP.NET Core MVC 4.8
- Razor
- Entity Framework Core
- MySql
- Git
- Identity
An MVC web application that utilizes a database with many-to-many relationships with user authentication to:
- Display a splash page that lists all treats and flavors.
- Demonstrate a many-to-many relationship between Treats and Flavors.
- Demonstrate user authentication with log in/out functionality.
- Allow all users to read the database data.
- Allow logged in users to create, update, and delete from the database.
- Display to a logged-in user which user created and last edited certain pages.
Note: Make sure you have .NET 5.0 installed. If not, please visit this link
- Clone this repository to your computer from this repository
- In your terminal of choice, navigate to the PierresTreats directory
- Create a file named "appsettings.json" in this directory
- Add the following lines of code to your newly created "appsettings.json" file and save.
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database=[YOUR DATABASE];uid=root;pwd=[YOUR PASSWORD];"
NOTES: [YOUR PASSWORD] MUST be the same password as that on your local machine/server.
[YOUR USERNAME] is up to your discretion.
For help on database configuration, please see here
- Back in the terminal, enter
dotnet build
and ensure that there are no errors - Enter
dotnet ef database update
into the terminal to build the database
(Note: If a "Build failed" Error occurs, please try runningdotnet ef migrations Add Initial
in the terminal. ) - Enter
dotnet run
into the terminal to run the application
- None
Woo Jin Kim (kimwoojin211@gmail.com) Copyright (c) 2021 Woo Jin Kim