
Account Tool to Manage LDAP Accounts

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Known Vulnerabilities

SinnerSchrader Account Tool


The SinnerSchrader Account Tool is a user management and self service application for OpenLDAP. It allows you to create and manage users and groups with ease.

Alt Text

Some of the noteworthy features are:

  • Let admins create new users with just a few clicks.
  • Powerful self service for all users.
  • Easily manage group memberships.
  • Pretty slick UX.
  • Some security goodies like zxcvbn password auditing and support for Content Security Policy.

Setup and guidelines


  • Install Java JDK 1.8.x (Oracle or OpenJDK)
  • Install NodeJS 7.x and NPM
  • Install a Maven (tested with Apache Maven 3.3.9) or, if that fails, use Maven Wrapper inside the Project

Run the application

  • Run mvn clean spring-boot:run or ./mvnw clean spring-boot:run
  • Open localhost:8080 in your browser
  • Login with accadm and password testuser

You can also login with any other user contained in the test data set. The password is always testuser. Please refer to src/main/resources/ldap/data/03-testuser.ldif for further details.

Pull requests

The master branch is protected an nobody can or should ever push to it! Every feature has to be integrated through a feature branch (Prefix feat/) or a bugfix branch (Prefix fix/) followed by a short and meaningful title.

Create a release

This project uses continuous delivery and continuous integration. On every merge of a pull request into the master, the travic CI executes the deploy job. This will create a standalone, self containing jar and/or debian package. Due to continuous delivery you will get a new version automatically on each merge/pull request.

Deploy to a environment

The deployment can be easily done via the debian package, which will register a service for starting the application on every system start. The default on a installation is always a production profile, which is not part of the jar file itself. The administrator has to configure the environment independent of the used package.

LDAP structure


The LDAP root is dc=example,dc=org where all entries are stored. This can be configured in your yml file. This tool can handle multiple companies, where each company has a sub-tree with it's own ou=users entry. The groups are still stored globally under ou=groups to allow a collaboration on the same project.


All groups have to be created twice. One with a team admin prefix and one with a team prefix. The idea of it, is that some project admins can administrate the team. The team admin groups are always the administrator groups of the normal customer projectteam Group. The absolute fallback is always the group you defined in ldap.permissions.admins, if no other admin group was found.

Password checks via zxcvbn

We are using the zxcvbn4j library, which is a java port of the original lib. You can find it on GitHub: https://github.com/nulab/zxcvbn4j. In the folder src/resources/zxcvbn we store a dictionary that contains the public top 500 list of bad password ideas. You can find it on http://www.whatsmypass.com/the-top-500-worst-passwords-of-all-time

Please update this list regularly. Feel free to add more lists; you have to register each in the application.yaml. The lists can be extended, but keep in mind, that a very long list will have performance impacts on the check routines.

Local Test Environment / Data

In local development mode, the application starts an embedded LDAP service, which is used to perform Unit and Integration Tests on a defined data base. This database is also used for the running application on your environment. This data was generated, but can be adjusted for specific testings over time.

Files and content

The test data and schema is stored under src/main/resources/ldap/* with two folders inside. The folder schema contains the LDAP schema files in an LDIF format which is required to validate the data which is stored in the data folder.

Schema files

We currently use some of the default and publicly provided schema files (01-system to 06-ppolicy), but we require some extensions. The custom extension is the integration of the Samba schema to handle some Samba shares. The schema file 08-szz provides a custom extension for handling employees over time.

Please research LDAP schema files on the internet, if you need more informations about the first schema files.

Data files
  • 01-company-structure.ldif
    • Contains all OUs (Organizational Units) which describe the base company structure
  • 02-groups.ldif
    • many groups which are used for customers / project Teams and third party services for example Jira, Git, etc.
  • 03-testuser.ldif
    • A dump of users, with reseted passwords to default values. Every user has the password testuser in the embeded LDAP.
    • The reset password is required, to perform several checks about the permissions, because the tool has to handle different views for different permissions.