
Tiny Alpine desktop with "headless" VNC/RDP session and arm support

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Alpine docker container image with XFCE4 Desktop for "headless" VNC/RDP environments

Forked from: https://github.com/soffchen/tiny-remote-desktop/blob/master/Dockerfile

  • XFCE4 Desktop Environment with full DateTime on the top in order to get Screenshot Evidences
  • xrdp server (default RDP port 3389)
  • vnc server (default VNC port 5901)
  • noVNC - HTML5 VNC client (default http port 6901)
  • Browsers:
    • Chromium
    • Firefox


  • Run command with mapping to local port 5901 (vnc protocol) and 6901 (vnc web access) with specific resolution and access password:

    docker run -d -p 5901:5901 -p 6901:6901 -e RESOLUTION=1600x1200 -e VNC_PASSWORD="vncpassword" solinter/remote-desktop-in-docker