
Primary LanguageC++

Spiral 🍃

This repository contains the code of Spiral, which has been modified to work alongside the Ethereum-PIR project.

Fresh Ubuntu Installation

If you would like to bypass our build system and instead install on a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 machine, please refer to these instructions.

Build System

Build System

Building Spiral can be complicated. To reduce the possibility for errors, I have abstracted the setup process into individual containerised execution environments. Each environment is based on an Ubuntu image, and contains all the required dependencies to build, run and debug Spiral applications.

The source code of Spiral is hosted on your local machine, and is mounted into /tmp/Spiral of the respective execution environment. This 'volume mount' allows you to edit the source code on your local machine, and have the changes reflect directly in the environment.

Build Prerequisites

  • An x86-64 machine is a must. The code uses Intel-based SIMD instructions to accelerate the query-database processing.
  • Docker is required to build and run the execution environments.
  • A native Linux environment is strongly preferred. This process has been tested on an Arch Linux machine.
  • CLion is the recommended IDE for development.

Building on ARM-based machines

Although an x86-64 machine is required, ARM machines (such as M1,2,3 Macs) might be able to run Spiral using an x86_64 emulator. An emulator is very expensive, so ensure you have adequate resources to run Spiral.

Build Instructions

Clone the repository onto your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/kinda-raffy/Spiral.git Spiral


gh repo clone kinda-raffy/Spiral Spiral

Then, cd into the root of the repository:

cd Spiral

Command Line

First create a single toolchain image using Docker:

docker build -t spiral_toolchain .

The Client and Server are separate applications that must be run adjacent to one another. To do this, create two terminals and follow the instructions for both terminals unless otherwise specified.

  1. Run the execution environment with the appropriate container settings.
    docker run -it \
    -u root \
    -v /HOST_PATH_TO_SPIRAL/Spiral:/tmp/Spiral \
    -v /HOST_PATH_TO_SPIRAL/Spiral/Process_Workspace:/home/ubuntu/Process_Workspace \
    --rm spiral_toolchain:latest \
    /bin/bash -c "cd /tmp/Spiral; exec bash"
    Ensure that the HOST_PATH_TO_SPIRAL is the path to the root of the repository on your local machine (Excluding the root project folder named Spiral/).
  2. Decide on the database configuration you would like to use. Certain configurations, such as the database and element size, are required at compilation. This section has some popular configurations. You can also find a comprehensive list of configurations in the configuration directory. For this example, we will use a database of size 2^20 with elements of 32 bytes each. This configuration has the build folder name of build_20_32. If you do choose to use an alternative configuration, ensure you replace build_20_32 with build_<database_size>_<element_size>.
  3. Generate the build files. Note: replace build_20_32 with the build folder name of your desired database configuration. This command can be ran in any of the two terminals.
    /usr/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
                   -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/home/ubuntu/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake \
                   -DUSE_TIMERLOG=ON \
                   -DUSE_NATIVELOG=OFF \
                   -DUSE_LOG=ON \
                   -S /tmp/Spiral -B /tmp/Spiral/build_20_32  # Ensure you replace build_20_32 with your build folder name.
  4. Build the Client and Server executables. Over here, you will need to specify a number of build parameters. These parameters are determined during automatic parameter selection, and can be found in the 'build options' of the configuration table. If you are using a configuration from this directory, then these options are listed under Build Configuration:.
    1. On the client terminal, specify the Client target.
      /usr/bin/cmake --build /tmp/Spiral/build_20_32 \
                     --target Client -v -j4 \
                     -- PARAMSET=PARAMS_DYNAMIC \
                                 TEXP=4 \
                                 TEXPRIGHT=56 \
                                 TCONV=4 \
                                 TGSW=4 \
                                 QPBITS=14 \
                                 PVALUE=4 \
                                 QNUMFIRST=1 \
                                 QNUMREST=0 \
    2. On the server terminal, specify the Server target.
      /usr/bin/cmake --build /tmp/Spiral/build_20_32 \
                     --target Server -v -j4 \
                     -- PARAMSET=PARAMS_DYNAMIC \
                                 TEXP=4 \
                                 TEXPRIGHT=56 \
                                 TCONV=4 \
                                 TGSW=4 \
                                 QPBITS=14 \
                                 PVALUE=4 \
                                 QNUMFIRST=1 \
                                 QNUMREST=0 \


  1. Create a toolchain image using Docker:
    docker build -t spiral_toolchain .
  2. Open the root project in CLion.
  3. Load the parent ./CMakeLists.txt file as the CMake project.
  4. Go to File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Toolchains, and add the built Docker image as a new toolchain called 'Docker_Spiral'.
  5. CLion will automatically detect pre-configured build profiles and should build the project automatically.

Popular Configurations

Build Folder Name Description Build Options
build_20_256 Database size of 2^20 with elements of 256 bytes each. -- PARAMSET=PARAMS_DYNAMIC TEXP=8 TEXPRIGHT=56 TCONV=4 TGSW=9 QPBITS=21 PVALUE=256 QNUMFIRST=1 QNUMREST=0 OUTN=2
build_10_32 Database size of 2^10 with elements of 32 bytes each. -- PARAMSET=PARAMS_DYNAMIC TEXP=4 TEXPRIGHT=56 TCONV=4 TGSW=4 QPBITS=14 PVALUE=4 QNUMFIRST=1 QNUMREST=0 OUTN=2
build_20_32 Database size of 2^20 with elements of 32 bytes each. -- PARAMSET=PARAMS_DYNAMIC TEXP=4 TEXPRIGHT=56 TCONV=4 TGSW=5 QPBITS=16 PVALUE=16 QNUMFIRST=1 QNUMREST=0 OUTN=2
build_30_32 Database size of 2^30 with elements of 32 bytes each. -- PARAMSET=PARAMS_DYNAMIC TEXP=16 TEXPRIGHT=56 TCONV=4 TGSW=13 QPBITS=21 PVALUE=256 QNUMFIRST=1 QNUMREST=0 OUTN=2

For additional configurations, refer to the configuration directory.

Execution Instructions

Command Line

These instructions assume you have the two terminals from the build process still open. Otherwise, re-run the execution environments on two separate terminals.

The client and server executables require 3 arguments. The first two are related to the number of dimensions and folding during query-data processing. To put it simply, these will determine the number of 'actual' records in the database. These arguments are selected during automatic parameter selection which is done via the select_params.py script. For convenience, these two arguments are listed in the configuration table or under Run Cofiguration: in the configuration directory. If you are using this directory, then only the first two numbers after ./spiral are relevant. For example, for the file 20_32.config, the run configuration lists the following:

Run Configuration:
./spiral 7 6 7055 a

In this case, the first two numbers are 7 and 6.

The third argument is the name of the data file that contains a list of hashes in json. This is file name (colorB_10.json) and not the file path (Database_Data/colorB_10.json). These data files are located in the Database_Data directory and a list of approapiate database sizes for each data file can be found in the meta file. The client requires the database file to verify the hashes received from the server are correct.

Finally, the client and server executables must be executed with the same arguments and the client should begin before the server.

  1. On the client terminal, run the Client executable.
    /tmp/Spiral/build_20_32/Client/Client 7 6 <FileName>
  2. On the server terminal, run the Server executable.
    /tmp/Spiral/build_20_32/PIR_Server/Server 7 6 <FileName>


  1. After building the CMake project, select the build option and the target you would like to run.
  2. Run (Shift+F10) or Debug (Shift+F9) the selected target.

Mandatory Considerations

  • The Client and Server executables must be run with the same parameters to ensure message verification is successful.
  • The Client should always be ran before the Server. Otherwise, the receiving pipe on Server might hang.

Client-Server Transactions

The Client and Server executables communicate with each other using OS pipes. The following diagram describes the transactions that occur between the two executables.

Client-Server Transactions


If you face any issues during the build or execution process, please open an issue in this repository. Provide in-depth details of the following:

  • Your environment (OS, CPU, RAM).
  • All the commands you have tried to run and their ouputs to the lead up to this issue.
  • The full error message you are receiving.