
HTML parser for PureScript

Primary LanguagePureScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An HTML parser for PureScript.


The idea behind this library is that we may be able write HTML and have PureScript code generated from it. This would make it easier to integrate HTML from designers without having to reimplement it all yourself in PureScript. This can become even more powerful if/when TemplatePureScript becomes available.


$ psci
> import Text.HTML.Parser
> parseHTML """<html><body><h1 class="hello">Hello World!</h1></body></html>"""
Right (Cons (Element "html" (Nil)
        (Cons (Element "body" (Nil)
          (Cons (Element "h1" (Cons (Attribute "class" "hello") (Nil))
            (Cons (TextNode "Hello World!") (Nil))) (Nil))) (Nil))) (Nil))

See the test suite for more examples.


You will need the following tools on your PATH -

To install dependencies, build the project, and run tests, you can use a single command -

% make deps build test

If you are only compiling the project and do not need to install dependencies or run tests, you can simply run make without arguments -

% make

Note that using make validates that you have the appropriate tools available. If you need to bypass this, you can simply delegate to using bower and pulp manually as desired.