
Generate a GitHub workflow that automatically makes releases for your Haskell project.

Primary LanguageShell


Generate a GitHub workflow that automatically makes releases for your Haskell executable program.

This is mostly thanks to Veronika's hard work. I (@kindaro) made it up a little since some stuff bitrotted over time. All mistakes are mine.

how does it work

./release.yml is a template for envsubst, shipped with gettext, which is a standard internationalization package by GNU. It requires that the environment variable name_of_program be set to the name of the program you wish to be releasing. Then envsubst will work as a filter, instantiating the template into a ready-made workflow script.

Here is one example of how you can instantiate the template to your project:

% name_of_program=`basename $(pwd)` envsubst '$name_of_program' < ./release.yml > .github/workflows/release.yml

In order for the workflow to run, you need to add a tag of form v.* to a commit. Normally, you would tag the current commit with the version of your Cabal package, like so:

% git tag "v$(grep --ignore-case '^version' *.cabal | grep --only-matching '[^ \t]*$')"

Then you need to push tags to GitHub:

% git push --tags

Now you should see the workflow running on GitHub. After some time, you will see a draft release having been created, with built executables attached to it.

a hopefully helpful script

There is a shell script called release.sh that will regenerate haskell-ci and release workflows, then tag and push your stuff.


  • Will build executables for Linux, MacOS and Windows out of the box.
    • But only if haskell-ci succeeds.