
A Python 3 API for the TeamSpeak 3 server query and file transfer interface.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


This package provides a thread-safe Python 3 API for:

  • TS3 query connections
  • TS3 query events
  • TS3 file transfers

You can find a complete API documentation here.



  1. Download the master branch.

  2. You can either install the package with distutils

    $ setup.py install

    or you copy the ts3 directory into your application's include path:

    $ cp -r ts3/ /foo/bar/my_lib/

    If you choose the portable installation mode, you may not be able to import the examples sub-package.

TS3 Server configuration

If you want to send lots of queries to the TS3 server, make sure, that you're connection is not closed by the anti-flood protection of the TS3 server. So it may be wise to add the host that runs the TS3 queries to the query_ip_whitelist.txt of your TS3 server:

$ echo "" >> path/to/ts3/server/directory/query_ip_whitelist.txt


The easiest way to get to grips with this library is taking a look at the examples.

If you need information about the possible query commands, take a look at the TS3 Server Query Manual.


You can find more examples in the examples directory.

  • Show all clients on the virtual server with the server id 1:

    import ts3
    with ts3.query.TS3Connection("localhost") as ts3conn:
    	# Note, that the client will wait for the response and raise a
    	# **TS3QueryError** if the error id of the response is not 0.
    	except ts3.query.TS3QueryError as err:
    		print("Login failed:", err.resp.error["msg"])
    	# Each query method will return a **TS3QueryResponse** instance,
    	# with the response.
    	resp = ts3conn.clientlist()
    	print("Clients on the server:", resp.parsed)
    	print("Error:", resp.error["id"], resp.error["msg"])
    	# Note, the TS3Response class and therefore the TS3QueryResponse class
    	# too, can work as a rudimentary container. So, these two commands are
    	# equal:
    	for client in resp.parsed:
    	for client in resp:
  • Say hello to all clients:

    import ts3
    with ts3.query.TS3Connection("localhost") as ts3conn:
    	for client in ts3conn.clientlist():
    		msg = "Hi {}".format(client["client_nickname"])
    		ts3conn.clientpoke(client["clid"], msg)
  • Event handling:

    import time
    import ts3
    def my_event_handler(ts3conn, event):
    	*event* is a ts3.response.TS3Event instance, that contains the name of the
        event and the data.
    	print("\t", event.event)
    	print("\t", event.parsed)
    	return None
    with ts3.query.TS3Connection("localhost") as ts3conn:
    	# Replace the default handler
    	ts3conn.on_event = my_event_handler
    	# Register for events
    	# Start the recv loop to catch all events.
        # Note, that you can still use the ts3conn to send queries:
    	# The recv thread can be stopped with:
    	# >>> ts3conn.stop_recv()
    	# Note, that the thread will be stopped automatically when the client
    	# disconnects.
    	# Block to avoid leaving the *with* statement and therefore closing the
    	# connection.
    	input("> Hit enter to finish.")
  • A simple TS3 viewer:

    import ts3
    # The examples package already contains this implementation. 
    # Note, that the ts3.examples.viewer module has an helpful class to build 
    # a complete channel tree of a virtual server: ChannelTreeNode
    from ts3.examples.viewer import view
    with ts3.query.TS3Connection("localhost") as ts3conn:
    	view(ts3conn, sid=1)
  • Download and upload files:

    import ts3
    with ts3.query.TS3Connection("localhost") as ts3conn:
    	view(ts3conn, sid=1)
    	# Create a new TS3FileTransfer instance associated with the
    	# TS3Connection.
    	ts3ft = ts3.filetransfer.TS3FileTransfer(ts3conn)
    	# Upload the image *baz.png* to the channel with the id 2 on the
    	# TS3 server.
    	# Note the opening mode ("rb").
    	with open("baz.png", "rb") as file:
    		ts3ft.init_upload(input_file=file, name="/baz.png", cid=2)
    	# Download the file into *baz1.png*.
    	with open("baz1.png", "wb") as file:
    		ts3ft.init_download(output_file=file, name="/baz.png", cid=2)


This project is in an early state, so you'll probably find a bug. Please report it or fork this repo, fix the bug and create a pull request.

If you found a grammar or spelling error, please report it too.


For the version numbers, take a look at http://semver.org/.


This package is licensed under the MIT License.

The docstrings copied from the TS3 Server Query Manual are the property of the TeamSpeak Systems GmbH.