
Minimalistic file server powered by Django

Primary LanguagePython

Django file server

Minimalistic password-protected file server powered by Django.

The project contains source code from [Django file upload example at https://github.com/axelpale/minimal-django-file-upload-example] and [Authentication to Django websites https://github.com/narenaryan/django-auth-pattern]

Production setup serves behind nginx + gunicorn.

Django 2 is supported. Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 with Django 2.0, nginx 1.10.3 and Python 3.5

Production setup (nginx -> gunicorn -> django app):

Install packages

# sudo apt-get -y install nginx git
# sudo apt-get -y remove apache2
# curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | sudo python3

Install django file server

# git clone https://github.com/kindkaktus/django-file-server
# cd django-file-server
# sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# sudo  ./install.sh

Copy your SSL certificate and key to /etc/nginx/ssl-cert.pem and /etc/nginx/ssl-key.pem and restart nginx


$ sudo -u www-data ./manage.py check --deploy