
A simple example that showcase how to use gkit with playframework and angularjs.

Primary LanguageApacheConf

In order to run todo-gkit-angularjs app, follow these steps:


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  1. Java
  2. Play Framework
  3. Nodejs
  4. Git

How to run the code

  1. Open a console & run:
~$ git clone https://github.com/kindleit/todo-gkit-angularjs.git
~$ cd todo-gkit-angularjs
~$ activator
~$ run

  1. Open a console & run:
~$ cd todo-gkit-angularjs/web-ui/
~$ npm install -g yo              
~$ npm install -g grunt-cli      
~$ npm install -g bower           
~$ npm update
~$ bower update
~$ grunt serve

External Documentation

  1. yeoman
  2. grunt
  3. bower
