
support for minimalist scientific visualization

Primary LanguageC++


Support for minimalist scientific visualization.

The main purpose of this library is to be a bridge between Teem and OpenGL3, and to simplify writing research software that uses Teem and OpenGL3.

This is easier with other additional libraries. GLFW makes it easy to create a window with a modern OpenGL context and handle events. Describing where things are in 3D is facilitated by a vector math library; GLM is a path of least resistance, even with its extensive reliance on C++ templates. With time and experience, AntTweakBar or some other GL-based widget toolkit, may be relied upon. The hope is that Hale will gradually subsume code from GLK's "Deft" project (which is dead because FLTK2 is dead).

Thus to build Hale you'll need to first install:

  1. Teem (checkout from source):

    svn co https://svn.code.sf.net/p/teem/code/teem/trunk teem and follow info at http://teem.sourceforge.net/build.html

  2. GLFW3: http://www.glfw.org

  3. GLM: https://github.com/g-truc/glm

Help is welcome for simplifying/automating how the build process finds these dependencies.

Hale has been written by Gordon Kindlmann based in part on code examples written by Roman Amici.