NEAR Mappings


Protocol to maintain mappings between NEAR account and various other blockchain accounts, ip addresses and an


Maintains map of <account_id, label> -> <content>

Contract supports delegating updates to another account via <account_id> -> <account_id>

Protocol has next methods:

  • set(account_id: Option<AccountId>, label: String, content: Option<String>) - for given account sets content for label. Account id is either empty or must have delegate to the caller.
  • get(account_id: AccountId, label: String) -> String - returns stored content for given account and label.
  • delegate(account_id: Option<AccountId>) - allows to delegate control of the caller to given account.


Label Description Format
evm List of EVM addresses string[]
ens List of ENS addresses string[]
aaaa AAAA DNS record string
cname CNAME DNS record string