
A tiny, fast, simple, single-file, BSD-licensed CSV parsing library in C.

Primary LanguageC


A tiny, fast, simple, single-file, BSD-licensed CSV parsing library in C.

Should be able to handle CSV oddities: multi-lines, escaped rows, escaped characters in escaped rows, empty rows, rows with a variable number of columns, Windows or Unix-style line endings.

Doesn't perform any heap allocations.


#include "minicsv.h"

char  *cols[10];
char   buf[] = "first,line,has,\"comas,\"\"escaped\"\" characters\",and,\"multiple\r\nlines\"\r\n"
char  *r = buf;
size_t cols_count;

/* This parses the first row (which can extend to multiple lines) */
/* and returns a pointer to the next row */
r = minicsv_parse_line(r, cols, &cols_count, 10);
if (cols_count > 10) {
    /* more than 10 columns found -- abort/throw error */

/* Second row */
r = minicsv_parse_line(r, cols, &cols_count, 10);
if (cols_count > 10) {
    /* more than 10 columns found -- abort/throw error */

/* Whatever is after the second row */
printf("Remainder: [%s]\n", r);

minicsv_parse_line() fills up to cols_max pointers in cols, and returns the actual number of colums in cols_count, as well as a pointer to the next row. Or a pointer to '\0' if there is nothing else to parse.

char * minicsv_parse_line(char * const buf, char ** const cols,
                          size_t * const cols_count_p, const size_t cols_max);