Halo Multiplayer for Absolute Beginners


The purpose of this guide is to help novice players get better at Halo multiplayer. If you're having trouble getting anywhere in Halo multiplayer, hopefully you'll find this information helpful. If you start practicing the tips and strategies presented here, you will start to gain an edge on the battlefield.

This is not an advanced guide. If you're looking for advanced information on glitches, specific maps, weapons, tricks, or advanced/detailed tactics then this guide isn't for you.


  • Level 1: Absolute Basics
  • Level 2: Movement and your Environment
  • Level 3: Basic Weaponry
  • Level 4: Offensive Fundamentals
  • Level 5: Defensive Fundamentals
  • Level 6: Advanced Weaponry
  • Level 7: Teamwork

##Level 1: Absolute Basics

Mastering these steps is a requirement for any level of success in Halo multiplayer.

  • Know the controls
  • Complete the single-player Halo campaign on Easy or Normal difficulty
  • Know the multiplayer maps

###Know the controls

Knowing the controls is critical. It is arguably an obvious requirement, but it must be stated. Stopping mid-game to look down at your controller to find the blue "X" button means certain death. It will take your eyes and concentration off of the game and what's going on around you. You'll be able to react to situations during the game much more quickly if you have memorized the controls. With practice and repetition this should be easy to accomplish.

###Play the campaign

If you haven't gone through and finished the game on one of the two easier difficulties, you should. Completing the campaign is not only fun, but it helps you practice. It's a good way of becoming familiar with the controls, and it also exposes you to a variety of combat scenarios. In the campaign you'll also learn to make do with weapons you're normally not comfortable with.

After completing the game on an easier difficulty, complete it on the Heroic difficulty. The AI of the enemies in the campaign on the Heroic difficulty is close to par with gamers experienced in multiplayer. In Heroic, if you don't utilize basics of things like movement and cover which are described later on in this article, you will die quickly. Many of the tactics you must employ in the Heroic difficulty can be applied to multiplayer.

And of course, if you can complete the game on Legendary difficulty, you shouldn't be reading this article :)

###Know the maps

Study the multiplayer maps so that you can spend more time focusing on your opponents and how to kill them rather than trying to remember where weapons are or how to get from point A to point B.

Remembering where the powerful weapons are is critical when you are playing against players of similar or higher skill level. Knowing the maps also allows you to use map terrain to your advantage. For example, if you pick up a sniper rifle, you'll want to be able to get to a spot where you have some long shooting lanes.

Get to know the maps by yourself by playing split-screen games on your own (you don't need more than one person to start a game). Walk through the levels by yourself and take your time to learn where things are. Unfortunately, the casual Halo player who doesn't own a copy of the game will have a difficult time getting to know the maps.

##Level 2: Movement and your Environment

Forget about all the new toys and features in the lastest Halo game. The rare items and weapons that you can use in the game are exactly that: rare. For most of the game, you probably won't be in posession of a rocket launcher or other power item. As a result, you'll need to rely on movement as your primary method of offense and defense against those players in posession of the rare items and weapons. Mastering movement will also give you an edge over your enemies that also have common items and weapons.

  • Keep moving, and don't stop unless you have to.
  • Learn how to strafe (move side-to-side)
  • Be a difficult target to hit
  • Shoot while you move
  • Listen to sounds
  • Teleporters
  • Use your radar
  • Become invisible on radar
  • Use the map terrain wisely

###Keep Moving

Once you've become familiar with the game controls, being able to perform all of the control functions while moving at the same time is the next step. If you keep moving, you will be more difficult to hit by your opponents, plain and simple. It also allows you to move across the map more quickly by not stopping to perform some other task (e.g. switching weapons, reloading, etc). Never, ever stop moving unless you are doing something specifically that requires you to stay put.


There are two joysticks on the XBox controller: one controls the direction that you move and the other controls the direction that you're looking in. You don't always have to look in the same direction that you're walking. Learn to use the two joysticks independently of each other so that you can walk in one direction while looking in another. Strafing, or walking sideways, gives you a huge advantage over your enemies. For example, if you are facing an opponent, you can move side to side while they are shooting at you to make yourself a more difficult target to hit. You can also use strafing to get a better "angle" around corners or objects as you approach them.

###Be a difficult target to hit

Strafing can be used as the main method of being difficult to hit. Fast, random side-to-side movements will make you difficult to kill because opponents will have a hard time lining up their targeting circle with you. Strafing is especially effective when engaged in a medium-range firefight with rifles. When in an open area, random, jerky movements are about the only way to avoid sniper or rifle fire.

###Shoot while you move

Making yourself a difficult target to hit is a good thing, but being able to shoot at your enemy at the same time is even better. This is something that takes practice if you haven't done it before. The main goal is to be able to squeeze the trigger and line up your targeting circle on your opponent while randomly moving at the same time. What makes it an even greater challenge is that your opponent may also be moving randomly too. Like using the two joysticks, this is just another action you'll need to learn to do independently from everything else.

###Listen to sounds

Halo is about audio just as much is it is about video. Make sure you have your speakers turned up loud enough that you can hear your own footsteps while walking. A pair of headphones works even better so that you don't have to disturb anyone else.

Listen for aural cues to let you know what's going on around you. Examples:

  • Become familiar with the "chink" of a frag grenade landing on the ground (if you hear it, start running).
  • When you hear the sound of a "man cannon" launching a player across the map, look up and see if you can target the player - you might have a chance at killing them in the air.
  • Listen for the sound of another player's footsteps.
  • Listen for the sound of another enemy reloading nearby.
  • Equipment and features on a map may notify you of the movement of another player. For example, automatic doors or other items that react or move when a player walks by.

###Use your motion sensor

Your motion sensor tells you when enemies are nearby. Learn to use it as a sixth sense. Make a habit out of glancing at it every few seconds so that you're immediately aware of when an enemy is close. In fact, you can even spend extended periods of time just looking at your motion sensor and not watching your main display if you want to track an enemy contact you've picked up.

You can also use the motion sensor in conjunction with your knowledge of the map terrain to predict precisely where an enemy is and anticipate when and how you will encounter them. For example, you may be standing near the corner of a hallway and notice on your sensor that an enemy is closing in around the corner. The enemy may not know that you're standing there and you'll be able take advantage of them with a surprise attack, or bounce a grenade around the corner before they reach you and wear down their shields.

Keep in mind that not all game types allow the motion sensor to be used. It may be disabled in some games, so you'll need to rely on other tactics in those cases.

###Become invisible

The motion sensor has two weaknesses:

  1. it can't pick up players who are standing still
  2. it can't pick up players who are "crouch walking".

Use these two tactics to your advantage if you don't want to be detected on the enemy's sensor. If you think that an opponent is tracking you on their motion sensor, stand still to make them think that you've been killed or have disappeared. Perform a crouch-walk by simply crouching and moving around. Crouch-walking is very much like normal movement, but allows you to perform stealthy maneuvers and creep up on your opponents.

###Use the map terrain wisely

If you're being attacked, seek cover or put yourself in a position that makes you more difficult to kill. Simply hide behind walls, boulders, debris, or any other object to avoid being hit when an opponent is firing on you. Depressions or "bowl-shaped" areas and small enclosed spaces will make you more vulnerable to grenade attacks. Generally, you'll always want to stay away from large, open areas as you'll be very vulnerable to snipers and overall have no cover to go to.

There are barely any locations in the Halo maps that allow you to be completely protected, but knowing the type of terrain you're in with respect to where your enemy is will allow you to decide whether you should move or stay put.

If you are attacking someone, try to gain higher ground as it's easier to attack from above - especially with grenades or rockets.

##Level 3: Basic weaponry

Once you have a good handle on how to move around in the Halo environment and perform basic functions by reflex, you'll need to start being effective with the game's instruments of death.

  • Recognize the weapons
  • Use the right weapon
  • Grenades
  • Melee attacks
  • Plasma vs. Projectile weapons
  • Splash damage

###Recognize the weapons

You should be able to name or identify a weapon on the ground, or in someone else's hands, when you see it. If you pick up a weapon without knowing what it does, then that is a sign that you still need a little more practice on your own becoming familiar with the game. There's no doubt that trying out a new weapon is fun, but if your objective is to win and get better then you need to learn the weapons.

###Use the right weapon

Perhaps the biggest mistake of the novice Halo gamer is that they bring the wrong weapon into a firefight such that their enemy has an immediate advantage. Know what each weapon does and what its effective range is. If the size of the map and its terrain cause a lot of close-encounter firefights, then it really doesn't make sense to grab the Battle Rifle or Sniper Rifle. For the most part, the range of your enemy dictates what weapon you should be using. Use the Assault Rifle or other rapid-fire weapons for close-range battles. Use the Battle Rifle, DMR, Covenant Carbine, or Rocket Launcher for medium-range, and the Human and Covenant Sniper rifles for long-range. Use the Shotgun only at point-blank range. As Halo game titles emerge, the variety of weapons changes, so make sure you understand the range and effectiveness of each weapon.


Grenades can be an under-estimated weapon among novice players. They are best used to weaken opponents at a safe distance before closing in and finishing them off with a short or medium-range weapon. Use them liberally - throw them into a room that you know (or just think) has enemies in it. If someone is following you, drop one on the floor as you turn around a corner. You just never know who might be in the blast radius of a grenade, so it's often a good idea to use one.

Throw a grenade into a group of foes to cause damage to all of them. If a group of enemies are fighting each other (e.g. in a free-for-all or multi-team game), your grenade may be able to kill all of them if they've worn each other down. The same goes for a single team that is not spread out.

###Melee Attacks

A melee attack is an up-close physical attack that you perform by swinging your weapon or punching. Use a melee attack when you are at point-blank range of an enemy. Often times a couple of melee attacks at point-blank range is much more effective than trying to use your weapon - unless you are wielding a Shotgun or Sword. Melee attacks do quite a bit of damage despite what it may look like. A melee hit from behind will instantly kill your enemy.

One common and often effective tactic is to rush your enemy while shooting at them, then at the last minute hit them with a melee attack when you're close enough. Depending on what weapon you are using, you can kill them as soon as you land that melee. Be cautious though - this tactic will not work against an experienced player - who may just back up and not let you hit them up close.

###Plasma vs. Projectile Weapons

There is a distinct difference that projectile (e.g. human) weapons have versus plasma (e.g. Covenant) weapons when they hit an opponent. Each weapon is a little different, but generally plasma weapons will wear down a player's shields quickly, but are not as effective at finishing off a player after their shields are down. Conversely, projectile weapons aren't as good at wearing down shields as they are ripping through a player after their shields are down. Use Plasma and projectile weapons in conjunction with each other to create effective combinations.

If you only have human/projectile weapons in your posession, make sure to keep a few grenades handy to wear down opponents' shields. The grenades can then take the place of plasma weapons for wearing down shields, as grenades are good for that.

###Splash Damage

Splash damage occurs when a player is damaged or even killed by a nearby explosion that is not necessarily a direct hit. When wielding the Rocket Launcher or another explosive weapon, utilize the floor, walls, and ceiling around an opponent as surfaces to fire at to cause splash damage. For example, when firing the Rocket Launcher, aim for your enemy's feet. This will guarantee an explosion nearby your opponent, even if your aim is a little off. The explosion will be big enough that you won't need a direct hit to kill them. If you aim at their head/torso, you risk missing their body completely and the rocket will trail off past them without hitting anything nearby.

##Level 4: Offensive fundamentals

These are some basic principles you can employ to help increase your kill/death ratio.

  • Wear down shields
  • Pick on weakened opponents
  • Aim at the head
  • Don't attack until you're ready
  • Control the power weapons
  • Camping

###Wear down shields

If you can eliminate an opponent's shields, then you have a very high chance of being able to kill them. Use this fact to your advantage and focus on wearing down shields before heading in to kill someone. There are a few ways you can do this:

  • grenades from a distance
  • a medium-range weapon from a distance
  • use plasma weapons

Eliminating someone's shields while maintaining a safe distance is always your best bet in battle. This can be done pretty easily with grenades, a rifle, or a charged Plasma Pistol shot. Focusing on wearing down shields at closer range is more difficult, as your enemy will likely know you're there and will be counter-attacking.

Perhaps one of the most powerful weapon capabilities in Halo is a charged Plasma Pistol shot. A charged Plasma Pistol shot will take down an enemy's shields in one shot - even if they are wearing an overshield. When wielding the Plasma Pistol, hold down the trigger to build up a charge, then let go to shoot a big, charged plasma bolt.

###Pick on weakened opponents

This is also known as "clean up". Why try to kill someone who is at full strength when you can prey on the weak? Think of it as attacking someone who has their shields worn down, but someone else eliminated their shields for you. The advantage is obvious.

Some players out there might consider this "kill stealing". Don't feel bad about doing it - it's a perfectly legal tactic and the game doesn't prevent anyone from doing it.

###Aim at the head

When an player's shields are down, a single head shot will kill them. A sniper rifle will kill in a single head shot regardless of shields. Use this fact to your advantage: if you know that a player's shields are down then aim for their head. A more precise single-shot projectile weapon such as a rifle will make the head easier to hit, but in general just aim for the head.

###Don't attack until you're ready

Never start hunting until you've got a weapon setup that can support you. If all you have is a default assault rifle, try to seek out something else to compliment it, or find some grenades first. If you just start running around with a default weapon and no grenades, chances are you'll come across someone else that has a better weapon or weapon combo than you do. It's possible to make do with only weaker weapons, but only after you've mastered other game play tactics.

If your shields are down, stay put and let them re-charge before you jump back in to battle. The reason is obvious: you'll have a higher chance of surviving if you have all of your shields. A lot of novice players are too excited to start fighting again after being worn down in a firefight. When they immediately start hunting they'll run into someone with full shields and will die quickly. Take a minute to recharge and find some ammo before getting back into it.

Reload your weapon before you go back into the fight. Just like letting your shields recharge, take a moment to reload your weapon (if it requires reloading). There's nothing worse than getting back into battle, running out of bullets too early and then trying to reload while someone else is firing at you.

###Control the power weapons

Power weapons are the rare weapons that make killing easy. They primarily include the Rocket Launcher, Spartan Laser, sniper rifles, Plasma Sword, and Shotgun. All of these weapons can effectively kill in one shot. Seek these weapons out and take them.


Camping is when you stay put hiding in a safe spot waiting for an opponent to walk by. When they arrive, you catch them off guard and dish out a surprise attack. By camping and staying still, an enemy won't know that you're waiting there. The down side is that after being killed, your enemy will know where you're camping and might seek you out. Protected or enclosed areas are great camping and hiding spots, but those types of spots make you more vulnerable to grenades. If someone knows your camping they will take advantage of this, so don't stay in a single spot for more than a few kills.

Generally, camping is a tactic that can provide short-term gain in the right situation. Sticking to a single spot the whole game just makes you a sitting duck and keeps you from getting kills if the action is elsewhere.

Camping is sometimes considered a "dirty" tactic, but it's perfectly legal and anybody in the game can do it if they want to.

##Level 5: Defensive fundamentals

Killing your opponents is only one half of winning. The other half is not dying.

  • Stay away from power weapons
  • Take a break
  • Don't be lured by an opponent
  • Keep your cool
  • It's ok to run

###Stay away from power weapons

If you know that another player has a power weapon, then stay away from them. It's that simple. For example, if you see someone ahead of you that is wielding the Plasma Sword, do not engage them! The same goes for someone wielding the Rocket Launcher or Spartan Laser. Those weapons allow their wielder to kill in one shot, and you're just giving them an open invitation for your death if you approach them.

How do you know if another player is weilding a certain weapon? There are two ways:

  1. look at the sillouhette of the player and learn to recognize what the weapons look like at a distance
  2. observe what weapon is fired when the player shoots (at someone else).

The exception to this "do not engage" rule is if you have a weapon that can effectively counter your opponent. Only then do you have a decent chance of survival if you pursue a player with a power weapon. For example, if you have a longer-range weapon such as a rifle, you could attack someone wielding the Plasma Sword from a safe distance (since the Sword is only effective at close range).

###Take a break

Just like when you're on offense, take a moment to let your shields recharge, reload, and find some ammunition from time to time. If someone jumps you, you want to have 100% of your resources (shields, ammo) available to fight back.

###Don't be lured by an opponent

Advanced players know how to draw an opponent into a trap. One very common trap that a player can perform is the corner/grenade trap. If a player is being followed, they can go around a corner, walk a few feet, and then throw a well-timed grenade back at the corner as their stalker is rounding the corner. Don't let this happen to you: if you are following someone and they go around a corner, wait for them to throw a grenade before rounding the corner. Or, they might not stop throwing grenades - so just disengage and let them go.

There are other types of traps too, but variations on the corner/grenade trap are the most common. e.g. corner/shotgun or corner/rockets. Players may also lure you by shooting at you - wanting you to get closer so they can finish you off with a close-range weapon.

###Keep your cool

Don't let an opponent piss you off so much that you want revenge or go on a personal vendetta to kill them. If someone is taunting you, annoying you with sporatic fire, or keeps killing you over and over, just let it go and leave them be. Keep your cool and stick to your game. Don't get emotionally invested in focusing on just one player.

If someone is verbally annoying you, you can always unplug your headset.

###It's ok to run

If it is obvious that you're about to die, or are out-gunned, or if you're just not prepared to fight (you need to reload or don't have 100% of your shields), then run away. Staying alive will take a point away from someone else trying to get kills, or if you're playing an objective game (capture the flag, assault, etc) then you'll be able to stay on the field and spend more time achieving the objective.

##Level 6: Advanced weaponry

Once you have a good understanding of how to work the battlefield, it will be helpful to know more effective ways of eliminating your enemy.

  • Good weapon combos
  • Melee combos
  • Sniping technique
  • Rifle technique
  • Needler technique
  • All of the weapon details

###Good weapon combos

There is no bad weapon in Halo. Some weapons that appear to be very weak in one scenario actually are very strong in other scenarios. For example, the Covenant Plasma Pistol is an absolutely lousy weapon to attack an enemy with by itself. But if you use it for a charged plasma shot and take your enemy's shields down in one shot, then it comes in pretty handy.

There are hundreds of potential weapon combinations in the game, and there are too many to l ist here, but below are a few of the more popular/effective ones (as of Halo 4).

Plasma Pistol plus Battle Rifle, pistol, or DMR. a.k.a. the "noob combo". This combo can be used at longer ranges, and is arguably an easier combo to execute kills with. The Battle Rifle can kill with two shots to the torso if shields are down, so this combo is also more powerful if you can't count on getting an accurate head shot.

Plasma Pistol and Assault Rifle. Just like the "noob combo", except it works better at closer range.

Rifle (e.g. DMR, Battle Rifle, or Sniper Rifle) and Shotgun or Rifle and Sword. Allows you to prey on enemies from a distance while being able to protect yourself up close.

Generally, it's a good idea to hang on to one long or medium-range weapon together with a close-range weapon. That allows you some flexibility out on the battlefield and you can be effective in more scenarios. Or, consider carrying a single-shot weapon as your secondary weapon to finish off enemies with a head shot.

###Melee combos

Melees can be used as a primary method of attack in conjunction with other weapons. For example, you can charge an opponent while firing at them with a close-range weapon or weapon combo, then perform a melee attack at the last second as you draw close to the them. If you've worn them down enough while charging, this can be very effective.

###Basic sniping technique

Sniping is a very popular aspect of Halo. Sniper rifles are very powerful and a good sniper can completely dominate the game. Sniping can be difficult without much experience though. The main reason is that the Sniper Rifle targeting circle is very small and the rifle's shot is very precise. You need to place that small targeting circle at exactly the right spot an enemy's head to get a single-shot kill. When an enemy is standing still, this is easy, but if they are moving (which they usually will be) it is very difficult. One way to deal with this is to try and "sweep" across the path of the enemy with your targeting circle and squeeze the trigger just as the targeting circle crosses over the enemy's head. This is a skilled tactic but is often the only way to snipe a moving player. The principle behind it is that it's easier to intersect the player's path with your targeting circle rather than follow the target.

The Sniper Rifle has a zoom scope that allows you to zoom in from far away - a very powerful capability for long-range shots. The disadvantage of this however is that you lose your motion sensor when zoomed in, so you can't see enemies approaching. You also lose your "peripheral" vision because you are focused on the scope. Make sure to zoom out from time to time so that you can see if anyone is approaching you. Try to have a decent close-range weapon with you while sniping so that if an enemy approaches you'll be ready to defend yourself.

###Rifle technique

The DMR, Battle Rifle and Covenant Carbine are very versatile and powerful weapons in the game, but novice players often have a difficult time using them. This is because it takes a bit more skill to use them as they fire verys precise shots. However, they are not as precise as sniper rifles and provide a little more sloppiness in aiming - and are a little easier to use. They also have a higher rate of fire than sniper rifles.

For these rifles, try applying the rule of aiming at your target while moving (and while your target is moving). You can also use a bit of the sniper "sweep" technique by waiting for your target to cross the path of the targeting circle. But generally, just keep the targeting circle on your target and slowly move the joysticks to accomplish this. Remember that you can zoom in with the rifles to help your aim. It's just a blend of moving, timing, and small sweeps.

If you are in a rifle firefight where you and your opponent are both using rifles, you likely won't be able to zoom as if you get hit your zoom will disappear automatically. Just try and focus on the upper torso/head while aiming, and try to strafe side-to-side as quickly and randomly as you can while shooting. This will make you more difficult to hit, but will make it more difficult to aim. Again, use the "sweep" technique to help make this easier.

With these rifles, your last shot to the head is all that matters. You can hit them anywhere else while weakening their shields.

###Needler technique

The Needler is perhaps the least-understood weapon in the game. In Halo, the Needlers have been given a boost in their power, but can no longer be dual-wielded. The Needler fires needles that explode after impacting their target. The objective is to rapidly fire as many needles into your opponent as you can, then let the explosion kill them. One needle has a very small explosion, but many needles together create a large explosion. Thus you need to get more needles into your opponent at the same time for this to work. The needles track their target somewhat too, so just keep the targeting circle on the target and hold down the triggers.

If you can plan on having open sight lines to your enemies, Needlers work well as they'll track the target. If there is plenty of cover for your enemies, they'll have an easier time avoiding the needles - even if you aimed well - because they can step behind cover before the needles reach them.

##Level 7: Teamwork

If you play in any team games, you'll need to have a strong understanding of how to work with your teammates.

  • Communicate
  • Stick together
  • Don't clump together
  • Cooperative weaponry
  • Surround thy enemy


Don't stay quiet while you play with your teammates. Talk to them. Ask questions. Give direction. Tell them what you see and what you think. Call out what weapon you're going to go for when the game starts. Let them know where you'll be at on the map. Do you see an enemy sniper somewhere? Tell your team. Do you see the opposing team's flag sitting somewhere? Tell your team. Do you see a spare power weapon lying on the ground? Tell your team.

###Stick together

Never, ever go wandering off by yourself in a team game unless you are doing so as part of a specific strategy. Being alone makes you an easy kill. The opposing team will be able to easily swarm around you and kill you. As if taking on a single opponent isn't hard enough...

Staying together also allows you to gang up on the opponent, or meet the opponent with equal force out on the field.

###Don't clump together

Stay together, but don't stay too close together, as this just makes your entire team vulnerable to grenade and rocket attacks all at once. Your entire team could be taken out by a single rocket if you're not careful. Spread out a little bit so that you act as a single unit but aren't vulnerable at the same time.

###Cooperative weaponry

Just like wielding a good combination of weapons on your own, you can also wield effective combinations among multiple players. For example, one team member can use rifles from afar while another battles up close. One player could also focus on taking down shields while others finish off the kills.

###Surround thy enemy

Fighting an enemy who is around you in more than one direction is more difficult than just in front of you. Use this to your advantage. Doing so makes the enemy spread out and engage single contacts, or if you've surprised them they won't know who to engage.


Hopefully you've been able to learn at least one new thing by reading this article. If you are a beginner or find yourself constantly losing in Halo multiplayer games, then what you've read here will should significantly increase your odds of winning. As with any hobby or skill, practice makes perfect. As you play more you'll be able to focus and improve on another aspects of your game play. Try to get really good at something in this article and then focus on the next thing. See you on the battlefield.