
Miscellaneous frontend tools template that can run without a server.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Frontend Tools Template

Miscellaneous front end tools that can run without a server. Uses Github Pages to deploy static content.

Supported Compilation

This repository contains the following gulp tasks:

  1. clean: Cleans the dist folder.
  2. coffee: Compiles *.coffee files.
  3. sass: Compiles *.scss and *.sass files.
  4. jade: Compiles *.jade files.
  5. copy: Copies everything expect supported extensions.
  6. watch: Watches all the files and runs the supported task.
  7. build: Executes clean, coffee, scss, jade, copy tasks.
  8. deploy: Runs the build task and then deploys the dist folder (commit and push to gh-pages branch`).
  9. run: Serves the dist folder in the port 3000.

How to publish a tool

Following the listed steps to push and deploy a front-end tool.

  1. Create a folder inside src.
  2. Add the content of your tool. All the content is going to be compiled with the same structure.
  3. Test your application by running the following tasks:
  4. First run the gulp build from the command-line.
  5. Then run gulp run to serve the dist folder in the port 3000.
  6. Access your tool using the folder name as a route. For example: ./src/my-tool becomes localhost:3000/my-tool
  7. Commit and push to your branch or to the master branch.
  8. Deploy your tool using gulp deploy from the command-line.
  9. Your tool should be available in http://username.github.io/repo-name/my-tool

How to add more gulp tasks

If you want to extend the tasks to support more extensions (HAML, for example), in the gulpfile.js file make sure to:

  1. Add your task in the build task sequence.
  2. Add the new supported extension - if any - to the supported extensions list.
  3. Test it out to make sure it works as expected.


To contribute follow the "fork-and-pull" Git workflow.

  1. Fork the repo on GitHub.
  2. Clone the project to your own machine.
  3. Commit changes to your own branch.
  4. Push your work back up to your fork.
  5. Submit a Pull request so that we can review your changes.

NOTE: Be sure to merge the latest from "upstream" before making a pull request!