
A simple handler for Plex webhooks which edits Slack status

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Before you begin

1. Find the identifier of the player you want to control.

  • In Plexamp, look for "user": "identifier" in config.json:

    • Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Plexamp/config.json.
    • Windows: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Plexamp\Plexamp\config.json.

2. Create a legacy slack token on this page.

3. Make sure you have Webhooks enabled in PMS.

  • SettingsServerNetwork (Show Advanced)☑️ Webhooks

Running the app

Option 1 — Deploy straight to Heroku


Option 2 — Run the app locally

  • Install node.js version 10 or higher, use of nvm is recommended.
  • Install yarn.
  • Clone the repository.
  • Install dependencies using yarn.
  • Run the app as follows:
$ yarn start

The app is now running at http://localhost:8000

Option 3 - Run the app in Docker

$ yarn docker:build
$ yarn docker:start

The app is now running at http://localhost:8000

Configure the webhook

In your Plex account settings add a webhook pointing to where the app is running.

  • If you used the Heroku deployment button the URL would look like https://<my-heroku-app>.herokuapp.com
  • If you are running the app on the same computer as PMS the URL would look like http://localhost:8000

Available parameters

You can provide parameters to the app either via the querystring or environment variables. If both are provided, the querystring value will take precedence.

Query Parameter Environment Variable Description
token TOKEN Your Slack token. Required for this app to be able to change your status.
username USERNAME Your Plex username. Required if you are playing music from a shared server, otherwise optional.
player PLAYER The client identifier of the player you want to send notifications for. If not provided, your status will update from any Plex client your account is playing music on.
playEmoji PLAY_EMOJI The Slack emoji to use when playing. Do not include colons, i.e. plexamp-outline. If not provided will clear the emoji in your status.
pauseEmoji PAUSE_EMOJI The Slack emoji to use when paused. Do not include colons, i.e. plexamp-outline-desaturated. If not provided will clear the emoji in your status.
protected If true, your status will be protected from changes if your status emoji is something other than playEmoji or pauseEmoji

Full example
