

Primary LanguageApacheConfMIT LicenseMIT



///////////////VERSION 1////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Every word on the left has a match on the right. To peek and see a translation you can flip a card by ?swiping it to the left? --that costs you 1 coin.

To match, you swipe to the right side. --you gain 1 or 2 coins regarding the length of the word

the speed of the scrolling increases as time goes by.

when finishing a game your coins go into your score and level.

a game has a definitive time limit based on the length of the text and your level.

///////////////VERSION 2////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

iterations, one iteration is over if all translations are solved. Scores per iteration are determined by tries, peeks and time past. see and analyse your learning curve.

For both versions is a scoring essential, to compete with others

///////////////VERSION 3////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

game of guess more like a quiz where you have descriptions of the meaning of a word but not the actual word and you need to have less tries eg.



Versuch 1.



Gebäude, Wohngebäude

Versuch 2.


bis das Ergebnis: Haus gelöst werden kann

Also ein Rätselspiel

////////////VERSION 4/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Memory like game, on the right side you have the translated version and you can flip it to see the foreign version, now you can asign the translation on the left side. The order on the right side is random and switching after every flip. You need to flip every card before you can start asigning them on the left side. Every additional flip counts as a antipoint, less antipoints the better you are.