
Sensor API for data transport

Primary LanguageC

Unifying Sensor API Project

Git workflow

  1. Modify the code.

  2. Tell Git to start tracking new/modified source code.

    $ git add .

  3. Commit code. Add useful comments.

    $ git commit -m "Updated test.c to include tests on JPEG image."

  4. Push the code to Github.

    $ git push

How to compile and run test.c

$ cd unifying-sensor-api
$ make clean
$ make
$ test/testprogram <PATH_TO_JPEG>

Before pushing code to Github

$ make clean

Notes on building the shared library for CJavaInterface

Compile the C files (change the path to jni.h accordingly)

$ gcc -c -I/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-i386/include -I/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-i386/include/linux -I../lib unifying_functions.c UnifyingAPI.c ../lib/cJSON.c

Using the object files, build a shared library named "libCJavaInterface.so"

$ ld -G UnifyingAPI.o unifying_functions.o cJSON.o -o libCJavaInterface.so -lm -lc -lpthread

Compile the java program

$ javac HelloWorld.java

Run the Java program, make sure to include path to the shared lib

$ java -Djava.library.path=./ HelloWorld