Never write a result wrapper again! Outcome.NET is a simple, powerful helper for methods that return a value, but sometimes also need to return validation messages, warnings, or a success bit.
- 0xfeeddeadbeef@TBCBank
- Andrew-SchererMarketer's Center
- AOne-TRussia
- Ayai
- bbqchickenrobotMicrobians
- bchavezBit Armory, Inc
- bgirominiTexas, US
- carlfranklin
- cjb5790Cleveland, OH
- craig-b
- DamianMullinsKaluza
- dantheother@RedgumTechnologies
- dknowles
- enriqueinUSA
- georgehemmings
- gep13@chocolatey
- GorelHMatrix Technology
- jefferydaltonSimple As Possible
- joelhulen
- jstuloApp vNext
- kierepkaHemolens Diagnostics
- kotovaleksandrOzon Tech
- mattgwagnerRed Leg Dev, LLC
- mattmeisingerNew York, NY
- mmuekk
- Neftedollar@fsharplang-ru
- negrond
- NotMyselfNotMyself.IO LLC
- nSource
- OpturneParis
- payiniThe Magic Software
- Primalpat-
- rahulballalMelbourne, Australia
- rer145Erie, PA
- schalkvanwyk
- ScottRoutley