Official C# client for Restpack APIs
The recommended way to install restpack-csharp is through Nuget:
Install the latest restpack-csharp nuget module:
$ dotnet add package Restpack
Finally, you need to require the library in your C# application:
Using Restpack;
For detailed documentation, please visit Screenshot API v5 Reference page.
using System;
using Restpack.Screenshot;
namespace Program
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var Screenshot = new Screenshot("<YOUR ACCESS TOKEN>");
var options = new Screenshot.RequestOptions();
options.Format = "png";
options.Delay = 3000;
// Capture given URL. Return the document details and CDN url of the Image
var captureResult = Screenshot.Capture("", options);
// Capture given URL. Return the image file as bytes[]
var captureBytesResult = Screenshot.CaptureBytes("", options);
// Capture given html content. Return the document details and CDN url of the Image
var captureHTMLResult = Screenshot.CaptureHTML("<h1>Test</h1>", options);
// Capture given html content. Return the image file as bytes[]
var captureBytesResult = Screenshot.CaptureHTMLBytes("<h1>Test</h1>", options);
For detailed documentation, please visit HTML to PDF API v5 Reference page.
using System;
using Restpack.Pdf2Html;
namespace Program
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var Pdf2Html = new Pdf2Html("<YOUR ACCESS TOKEN>");
var options = new Pdf2Html.RequestOptions();
options.PDFOrientation = "landscape";
// Convert given URL to PDF. Return the document details and CDN url of PDF
var captureResult = Pdf2Html.Convert("", options);
// Convert given URL to PDF. Return the PDF document as Buffer
var captureBytesResult = Pdf2Html.ConvertBytes("", options);
// Convert given html content to PDF. Return the document details and CDN url of PDF
var captureHTMLResult = Pdf2Html.ConvertHTML("<h1>Test</h1>", options);
// Convert given html content to PDF. Return the PDF document as Buffer
var captureBytesResult = Pdf2Html.ConvertHTMLBytes("<h1>Test</h1>", options);