
Color Palette Generator according to Google's Material Design Philosophy

Primary LanguageCSS

#Material Design Color Generator ##ATL WDI Project #1


user stories

erd kinda

wireframe left

wireframe right


[Material Design Specs](https://www.google.com/design/spec/material-design/introduction.html)

##Building ###Tools


#####Pushing to Heroku When I first tried to deploy to Heroku, my upload was aborted multiple times. Heroku could not read the secret key needed by Devise for the upload. Fixed this through altering my gitignore file (temporary fix)

#####Organization As my app grew, it became harder to keep track of the Javascript and Sass due lack of comments and organization. Currently working to fix this.

#####Secret Forms One of the main things I wanted to incorporate into my design was a really easy experience when trying to add a color scheme. In order to do this, I used JavaScript to fill out a form that is hidden on the page. After all colors have been selected, the name form and submit button appear for the user to save their colors.

##Planned Updates:

  1. Favorites tab: User can click to save color schemes made by other users.
  2. Click to Copy. Clicking a color will automatically add it to clipboard.
  3. Expanded profiles.
  4. Better name.
  5. Original background assets.
  6. Add color scheme to demo layouts.
