
Primary LanguageTypeScriptOtherNOASSERTION

FlashTract Coding Challengs

To Run Application

Once you clone the application, simply run yarn && yarn start within your terminal. By default, the app runs on localhost:8080

Notable Features

  • Connects with Finnhub API for historic and real time stock prices.
  • Search bar with Autocompletion.
  • Favorites list that is persisted through localStorage.
  • Dynamically generated list of news articles relevant to the active company.

Notable Decisions

  • For this project, I decided to use Snowpack as a bundler. This is a newer JS bundling platform that allows for faster rebuilding of an application upon saving.
  • A simple LineChart was created to show trends using react-vis. This is Uber's open source data-viz library which is provides a ton of customization options.
  • For Common UI components, I used the Chakra UI library. This is a newer library that I've been very impressed by. It's emphasis is delivering a library that has full accessibility, easy themeing, and is fully composable. While it is a newer library, it's ease of use and built in accessibility makes it a great tool.
  • I used React and managed all state through Context and Hooks. This is largely done for both time to deliver and to demonstrate react knowledge.

Changes I Would Make If Dev Continued

  • I would move all calls to the Finnhub API through to a thin API layer to better hide the Finnhub token, cache the commonly called information, and consolidate information.
  • There are no unit tests in this application, due to wanting to demonstrate React and front-end knowledge on a wide variety of levels.
    • Preferred testing tools are:
      • Jest for test framework
      • @testing-library for unit tests
      • cypress for e2e tests
      • CI through Teamcity or Github Actions to keep track of when failures happen.
  • While the usage of React context here works for this fairly simple app, as it grew the scalability may suffer. If this was being maintained long term, I would want to set up either a Redux store or use the built in useReducer hook to handle larger more scalable state management.
  • There are a few API calls that could certainly be cleaned up through better caching and storage of information from Finnhub.