
This repo has the solution of question done by me on the platform leetcode

Primary LanguageC++

Language  Update  Progress 

This repo has the solution of question done by me on the platform leetcode


Linked List

# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
21 merge-two-sorted-lists C++ O(n) O(1) Easy
23 merge-k-sorted-lists C++ O(nlogn) O(1) hard
86 partition-list C++ O(n) O(1) Medium
141 linked-list-cycle C++ O(n) O(1) Easy
234 palindrome-list-cycle C++ O(n) O(1) Easy
382 linked-list-random-node C++ O(1) O(n) Easy
725 split-linked-list-in-parts C++ O(n) O(k) Medium
876 middle-of-the-linked-list C++ O(n) O(1) Easy