
Elden Ring Spirit Battler is a tool to set up custom encounters in Elden Ring via spirit ash summons.

  • Summon vs summon. Watch them fight as a bystander.
  • Player vs summon. Set up an encounter to defeat.
  • Free for All. Somebody will win. Might even be you!
  • Custom Spirit Ash. Malenia too hard? Just summon 10 Radahns.


  • Customize entire fights with any enemy you want, up to 10 enemies at once
  • Teams to determine who enemies hate and who they will ally with
  • Pick phantom shaders for each team. Invaders? Spirit Summons? Completely invisible? All options! (Customizable phantoms TBA)
  • Customize stats as desired. Want Radahn scaled the same as Melania for a fair fight? Want a crab that does 100x damage? Go hog wild
  • Hidden player mode. Watch fights without distract enemies (or appearing on-camera)
  • Set exactly where summons will appear. You can define arbitrary offsets, or just use one of the helpful presets if you don't want the hassle
  • Mod compatability! Just run this tool after everything else has been installed.


  • The current version of Mod Engine 2 does not manage save files, so if you have existing saves: go to "AppData\Roaming\EldenRing" and backup the save files within. Restore these backups before playing online, or you could potentially be banned.
  • Do not run this tool on Regulation.bin in Elden Ring's "Game" folder. If you do and play online, you could potentially be banned.

How to Use

  • Download Mod Engine 2:
  • Download and install .NET Desktop Runtime 6.0:
  • Locate your Mod engine 2 "Mod" folder.
  • If you do not have any other mods installed, locate your Elden Ring installation and find regulation.bin, then copy and paste regulation.bin into your Mod Engine 2 "mod" folder. You can skip this step if you have other mods installed which modify regulation.bin, just use the regulation.bin that's already in your mod folder.
  • Start Elden Ring Spirit Battler, click the browse button in the top left, and load the regulation.bin in your mod engine 2 "mod" folder.
  • Hover the mouse over options for tips!
  • Create teams and enemies as desired, then choose which Spirit Ash to overwrite.
  • Save Changes. The selected ash should now be changed in-game.



  • Reworked enemy info resource:
    • Greatly expands number of selectable enemies
    • Removes invalid enemies
    • Provides an enemy's original location
    • Marks enemies with data that indicates they have special behvaior, differentiated by (LETTERS)
    • Stores additional spEffects the enemy may require to display unique behavior
  • Follow Player option now additionally determines if a summon will focus on player lock-on targets.
  • Added option to make summons disappear upon death.
  • Added pre-made Summon Backups.
  • Selected enemy and enemy variant are retained when search filter is used (if selection exists within filter).
  • Spirit summon team preset now has Follow Player on by default.
  • Fixed Enemy Variant list not being filtered by search filter when changing base enemy.
  • Fixed Base Enemy list including items twice when the search filter also matched within the Enemy Variant list.
  • Fixed crash when deleting teams.


  • Re-added team name options.


  • Added "Spirit Scaling" option for stat scaling. This makes spirits start with default stats and gain power as the spirit ash is upgraded (identical to vanilla summons).
  • Teams are now updated automatically as settings are changed.


  • Added a setting for summons finding targets easily, letting you disable summons noticing and running after targets that are very far away.
  • Added an option for summons aggro distance, letting you emulate vanilla spirit summon behavior (when "find targets easily" setting is disabled).
  • Minor SpiritAshResource.txt improvements.


  • Fixed program version number.
  • Made summon backups not store some pointless data.


  • Added summon backup system, which lets you save and load spirit battler data to json files.
  • Added config file that saves settings.
  • Fixed not being able to disable options for Enable Resummoning and Expand Summon Areas.


  • Fixed default stat scaling level effects not being removed from human NPCs.
  • Fixed stat scaling level effects not applying to non-human NPCs.
  • Added Follow Player option for teams, which lets summons to follow the player around.
  • Improved empty SpEffect detection, which should help prevent "Not enough free SpEffect slots in NpcParam" errors.
  • Fixed an issue where SpEffects were added when they didn't need to be, which should also help prevent "Not enough free SpEffect slots in NpcParam" errors.


Public release


  • Support human NPCs and populate enemy resource with humans.
  • Enemy search now filters enemy variant list too.
  • Added FAQ button


  • Added option to expand the amount of areas you can summon in
  • Added option that lets you summon and resummon without reloading the game
  • Swapped default team's Team Type for Column Left (Enemy -> Beast) and Row Far (Beast -> Enemy)


Patreon Beta Release

  • Added Spirit Ash search
  • Changed a default team's teamType, fixing them not mutually hate the "Enemy" team
  • Added randomize phantom color button, and removed that functionality from randomize team name button
  • Fixed summon limit check being off by 1
  • UI tweaks


Private Release
