
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


The MobileNetV2 architecture is based on an inverted residual structure where the input and output of the residual block are thin bottleneck layers opposite to traditional residual models which use expanded representations in the input an MobileNetV2 uses lightweight depthwise convolutions to filter features in the intermediate expansion layer.

The architectural definition of each network refers to the following papers:

[1] Mark Sandler, Andrew Howard, Menglong Zhu, Andrey Zhmoginov, Liang-Chieh Chen. MobileNetV2: Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks. arXiv preprint arXiv: 1801.04381.


Precision comparison line chart

The following line chart shows the accuracy comparison of MobileNetV2 network in Top1 and Top5 of MindSpore and TensorFlow.

pretrained models

The following table lists all MobilenetV2 imagenet checkpoints. Each model verifies the accuracy of Top-1 and Top-5, and compares it with that of TensorFlow.

MindSpore MindSpore TensorFlow TensorFlow
Model Top-1 (%) Top-5 (%) Top-1 (%) Top-5 (%) Download Config
mobilenet_v2_1.4_224 75.43 92.5 75.0 92.5 model config
mobilenet_v2_1.3_224 74.7 92.3 74.4 92.1 model config
mobilenet_v2_1.0_224 72.4 90.8 71.8 91.0 model config
mobilenet_v2_1.0_192 71.3 90.2 70.7 90.1 model config
mobilenet_v2_1.0_160 69.7 89.1 68.8 89.0 model config
mobilenet_v2_1.0_128 67.1 86.9 65.3 86.9 model config
mobilenet_v2_1.0_96 61.9 83.6 60.3 83.2 model config
mobilenet_v2_0.75_224 70.3 89.4 69.8 89.6 model config
mobilenet_v2_0.75_192 69.2 88.7 68.7 88.9 model config
mobilenet_v2_0.75_160 67.3 87.4 66.4 87.3 model config
mobilenet_v2_0.75_128 64.5 85.4 63.2 85.3 model config
mobilenet_v2_0.75_96 59.4 81.6 58.8 81.6 model config
mobilenet_v2_0.5_224 66.1 86.3 65.4 86.4 model config
mobilenet_v2_0.5_192 64.7 85.2 63.9 85.4 model config
mobilenet_v2_0.5_160 61.9 83.4 61.0 83.2 model config
mobilenet_v2_0.5_128 58.7 80.9 57.7 80.8 model config
mobilenet_v2_0.5_96 52.9 76.3 51.2 75.8 model config
mobilenet_v2_0.35_224 61.9 83.2 60.3 82.9 model config
mobilenet_v2_0.35_192 59.5 81.6 58.2 81.2 model config
mobilenet_v2_0.35_160 57.6 79.8 55.7 79.1 model config
mobilenet_v2_0.35_128 52.8 76.3 50.8 75.0 model config
mobilenet_v2_0.35_96 47.5 71.3 45.5 70.4 model config


Parameter description

Parameter Default Description
device_target GPU Hardware device
data_url Path to training dataset
pretrained False Path to pretrained model
run_distribute True Distributed parallel training
num_parallel_workers 8 Number of parallel workers
dataset_sink_mode True Data sinking mode
num_classes 1001 Number of dataset classifications
batch_size 64 Number of batch size
repeat_num 1 Number of data repetitions
momentum 0.9 Momentum parameter
epoch_size 200 Number of epoch
keep_checkpoint_max 10 Maximum number of checkpoints saved
ckpt_save_dir './mobilenet_v2' Save path of checkpoint
lr_decay_mode cosine_decay_lr Learning rate decay mode
decay_epoch 200 Number of decay epoch
smooth_factor 0.1 Label smoothing factor
max_lr 0.1 maximum learning rate
min_lr 0.0 minimum learning rate
milestone A list of milestone
learning_rates A list of learning rates
alpha 1.0 Magnification factor
resize 224 Resize the height and weight of picture



  • The following configuration uses 8 GPUs for training. The magnification factor is set to 1.0 and the image input size is set to 224.

    mpirun -n 8 python mobilenet_v2_imagenet_train.py --alpha 1.0 --resize 224 --data_url ./dataset/imagenet


    Epoch:[0/200], step:[2502/2502], loss:[4.676/4.676], time:872084.093, lr:0.10000
    Epoch time:883614.453, per step time:353.163, avg loss:4.676
    Epoch:[1/200], step:[2502/2502], loss:[4.452/4.452], time:693370.244, lr:0.09998
    Epoch time:693374.709, per step time:277.128, avg loss:4.452
    Epoch:[2/200], step:[2502/2502], loss:[3.885/3.885], time:685880.388, lr:0.09990
    Epoch time:685884.401, per step time:274.134, avg loss:3.885
    Epoch:[3/200], step:[2502/2502], loss:[3.550/3.550], time:689409.851, lr:0.09978
    Epoch time:689413.237, per step time:275.545, avg loss:3.550
    Epoch:[4/200], step:[2502/2502], loss:[3.371/3.371], time:692162.583, lr:0.09961
    Epoch time:692166.163, per step time:276.645, avg loss:3.371
  • The following configuration uses yaml file for training.

    mpirun -n 8 python examples/classification/tools/train_config.py -c mindvision/classification/config/mobilenet_v2/mobilenet_v2_1.0_224_imagenet2012.yaml


    Epoch:[0/200], step:[2502/2502], loss:[5.350/5.350], time:860471.865, lr:0.10000
    Epoch time:867121.671, per step time:346.571, avg loss:5.350
    Epoch:[1/200], step:[2502/2502], loss:[4.737/4.737], time:838193.601, lr:0.09998
    Epoch time:838236.939, per step time:335.027, avg loss:4.737
    Epoch:[2/200], step:[2502/2502], loss:[4.430/4.430], time:841103.726, lr:0.09990
    Epoch time:841167.664, per step time:336.198, avg loss:4.430
    Epoch:[3/200], step:[2502/2502], loss:[3.845/3.845], time:844526.365, lr:0.09978
    Epoch time:844609.499, per step time:337.574, avg loss:3.845
    Epoch:[4/200], step:[2502/2502], loss:[3.604/3.604], time:840851.149, lr:0.09961
    Epoch time:840912.141, per step time:336.096, avg loss:3.604


  • The following configuration for eval. The magnification factor is set to 0.75 and the image input size is set to 192.

    python mobilenet_v2_imagenet_eval.py --alpha 0.75 --resize 192 --pretrained True --data_url ./dataset/imagenet


    {'Top_1_Accuracy': 0.6922876602564103, 'Top_5_Accuracy': 0.8871594551282052}
  • The following configuration uses yaml file for eval.

    python examples/classification/tools/eval_config.py -c mindvision/classification/config/mobilenet_v2/mobilenet_v2_0.75_192_imagenet2012.yaml


    {'Top_1_Accuracy': 0.692441581306018, 'Top_5_Accuracy': 0.8872439180537772}


  • The following configuration for infer. The magnification factor is set to 1.0 and the image input size is set to 224.

    python mobilenet_v2_imagenet_infer.py --alpha 1.0 --resize 224 --pretrained True --data_url ./infer


    {283: 'Persian cat'}