
Static web application builder.

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp


Install Notes

  1. Make sure bower, libmagic, and sassc are brew installed or apt-get/emerge'd, etc first
  2. Run bower install to get all the front end dependencies.
  3. Great, now you probably want the latest sbcl/quicklisp and make sure you (ql:update-client) and (ql:update-all-dists)
  4. sudo mkdir -p /mnt/projects/cores && sudo chown -R $(whoami):wheel /mnt/projects
  • Since this is will-ware ❤️ and various scripts rely on this directory for image storage
  1. Symlink/clone story and cl-ascii-art into local-projects
  2. Now, go ahead and quickload all the necessary code in sbcl: (ql:quickload '(story story-modules))

Perfect, now you can run ./start to build a core and get hacking. Swank will be serving on port 4005, and the app will be available on 3300. User guide coming soon...

Example Sites

See the Missoula Civic Hackathon code.

Not presently live but clone, ql:quickload, and initialize for a peek.

User Manual

Coming soon!