
Introduction to Software Development Assignment (#1)

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ISD Assignment #1

  • Dion Misic
  • Xavier Carmo
  • Amara Tut
  • Tyrone Huang
  • Nicholas Zay
  • Chris Tran

You can find our other parts of the assignment in the zip included in the submission box or you can alternatively follow these shared links.

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Python Requirements

You need to have a working version of python installed. Our project is built to run on Python 3.7. Please follow the instructions here to install python to your machine or find the downloads here.

It is recommended to install our dependencies in a container so it does not interfer with other installations of python, or your system level dependencies. Our recommendation is virtualenv.

Navigate to the root directory of the project through the command-line:

  1. Install virtualenv

    $ pip install virtualenv

  2. From the root of the project directory, (to create a new env) run:

    $ virtualenv isd

  3. Use the environment by running:

    $ source /isd/bin/activate

  4. Now you can install our dependencies using:

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Setup Database

You probably don't need to set this up just to view the interfaces for ISD-ASSIGNMENT #1 since no objects are being created.

Our project is built using postgres. You can find a download of the postgres binaries here. There are many ways to install postgres and it depends on your operating system. It is recommended you find an installation that will work for your system. If you are running MacOS, we suggest this graphical application that does some heavy lifting. If you are running Windows, we suggest this graphical application.

When postgres is installed on your machine, you will need to create a database called "isd" before running the project. You can do this through most of the graphical postgres interfaces, or alternatively through the commandline.

In the command line, run the following commands:

  1. $ psql (opens postgres interpreter)

You can now exit the postgres interpreter using \q.

Finally, we have to either upgrade our database if it has any pending changes or upgrade the schema if the database is empty. Luckily this is the same command, as the migrations/ folder contains all changes to the database and applies them when upgrade is called.

python run.py db upgrade

Running the Project

Once the isd database is created and the requirements are installed - From the root directory of the project, run:

$ python run.py runserver

If all is done correctly, a local webserver should be available to the browser at

Schema Upgrade (migrations)

When changes are made to the database models, run:

$ python run.py db migrate - Updates schema version, creates update file in migrations/versions with changes to db

$ python run.py db upgrade - Actually runs the upgrade on the database

Generating test data (for testing)

To generate our test data, we have a script that automatically sets-up relevant database objects for testing - run:

$ python setup_mock_db.py

It will prompt you with a Y/N input box.

WARNING: This WILL delete all rows currently in the database. Answer 'Y' to perform the generation. Answer 'N' to exit the program.